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While the multimon command allows dynamic changes of the size of the monitor views at runtime, increasing the size can not increase the maximal effective rendering resolution beyond the resolution used by the biggest view the game started with. In that case the changed view will have proper size however its content might look blurry. To fix it, restart the game or temporarily change (and apply) vsync settings in display options after saving the configuration first using multimon save.

The multi-monitor support assumes that the graphics drivers are providing a virtual screen spanning over all the physical monitors.

The following commands are supported:


Syntax: multimon init <setup_name>

Example: multimon init three

This command initializes the runtime configuration using one from predefined setups. Following setups are supported:

  • empty - No views, UI over entire screen. This is convenient starting point for more complex custom setups.
  • one - Creates single wide view UI over entire screen. This is similar to predefined mode 0 however it provides ability to disable interior rendering if desired.
  • three - Setup corresponding to predefined mode 2
  • three_with_dash - Setup corresponding to predefined mode 3

When initializing using three or three_with_dash, the state of corresponding tweaking cvars at the moment of the initialization is applied to the runtime configuration. This can be used to do basic setup using the cvars in predefined mode and use the custom mode to only tweak the result.


Syntax: multimon reload

Example: multimon reload

Replaces the runtime configuration using a content of multimon_config.sii


Syntax: multimon save

Example: multimon save

Saves the current runtime configuration to multimon_config.sii. This MUST be used for the changes to persist restart of the game or change of display settings.


Syntax: multimon add <name> <x> <y> <width> <height>

Example: multimon add left 0.25 0 0.5 1

Defines monitor in specified area of output resolution and associates it with specified name. Note that name ui is reserved for special use.


Syntax: multimon remove <name>

Example: multimon remove left

Removes monitor associated with specified name.

make primary

Syntax: multimon make_primary <name>

Example: multimon make_primary center

Marks specified monitor as primary. The primary monitor is used as source of base values for some relative attributes and the HDR eye adaptation is calculated from this monitor. This corresponds to the first monitor defined in the config file.


Syntax: multimon list

Example: multimon list

List names of all defined monitors


Syntax: multimon set <name> <attribute> <value>

Example: multimon set left horizontal_fov_override 60

Sets specified attribute for specified monitor. Special monitor name ui allows changes of position of the ui itself.


Syntax: multimon get <name> [<attribute_prefix>]

Example: multimon get left normalized_

Prints values of all attributes of specified monitor whose name begins with specified prefix. As with set ui provides access to the ui itself.

Supported attributes for get and set

Name Example Description
normalized_ui_x normalized_ui_x: 0.333333 Decimal between 0 an 1.

Horizontal position in the whole virtual screen to start drawing the UI. For instance, second monitor in a 3-monitor setup would be 0.333333. Third monitor would be 0.666666. In a two-monitor setup where UI should be drawn in the rightmost monitor, 0.5.

normalized_ui_width normalized_ui_width: 0.333333 Decimal between 0 and 1.

Width the UI should take in the whole virtual screen. For one monitor in a 3-monitor setup, 0.333333 (1/3 of the whole area), 2-monitor, 0.5. To take the space of all monitors it should be 1.0 and normalized_ui_x above, 0.0.

name name: middle String. A handle for the monitor to be used with multimon get and multimon set. The ui name is reserved.
normalized_x normalized_x: 0.333333 Decimal between 0 and 1.

The x-axis (horizontal) position in the whole virtual screen corresponding to the left edge of this monitor. In a 3-monitor setup 1st monitor will get 0.0, 2nd 0.333333, 3rd 0.666666. 2-monitor: 0.0 and 0.5 respectively.

normalized_y normalized_y: 0.5 Decimal between 0 and 1.

The y-axis (vertical) position in the whole virtual screen corresponding to the bottom edge of this monitor. For 2-row monitor setup (with identical resolution and size monitors), 1st monitor should have 0.0 and 2nd monitor, 0.5. In single-row setups, it should be 0.0.

normalized_width normalized_width: 0.333333 Decimal between 0 and 1.

The x-axis (horizontal) length of the monitor in the whole virtual screen. For 3-monitor setup (with identical resolution and size monitors) all monitors should have 0.333333 whilst a 2-monitor setup, 0.5.

normalized_height normalized_height: 0.5 Decimal between 0 and 1.

The y-axis (vertical) length of the monitor in the whole virtual screen. For 2-row monitor setup (with identical resolution and size monitors) all monitor should have 0.5. In single-row setups, it should be 1.0.

heading_offset heading_offset: -2.0 Decimal value between -180.0 and 180.0.

The heading angle (in degrees) added to the camera when rendering content for this monitor.

pitch_offset pitch_offset: -15.0 Decimal value between -90.0 and 90.0.

The pitch angle (in degrees) added to the camera when rendering content for this monitor (to compensate its tilt, angle or rotation).

roll_offset roll_offset: -15.0 Decimal value between -180.0 and 180.0.

The overall roll angle (in degrees) added to the camera when rendering content for this monitor (to compensate its angle or rotation).

horizontal_fov_relative_offset horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 1.0 Decimal value.

Additional heading angle added to the camera when rendering content for this monitor. Unlike heading_offset this value is expressed in multiplies of the horizontal FOV of the camera used to render the primary monitor. Should be set to 0.0 for the primary monitor.

vertical_fov_relative_offset vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.0 Decimal value.

Additional pitch angle added to the camera when rendering content for this monitor. Unlike pitch_offset this value is expressed in multiplies of the vertical FOV of the camera used to render the primary monitor. Should be set to 0.0 for the primary monitor.

camera_space_offset camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)

multimon set left camera_space_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

Triple with Decimal values for x (horizontal, left-right), y (vertical, up-down) z (depth, back-forth) coordinates.

Offset added to the position of the camera when rendering content for this monitor. Notice in config file the syntax is (x, y, z) (wrapped by parenthesis characters, comma separated) whilst console, x y z (space separated sequence).

horizontal_fov_override horizontal_fov_override: 85.0 Decimal value between 0.0 and 178.0.

Overrides the horizontal FOV for this monitor. A value of 0.0 means not overridden. If both horizontal and vertical FOVs are not overridden for the monitor, then the FOV is taken from the default camera and can be adjusted using the "seat adjuster" UI. Otherwise the slider in the seat adjuster is ignored. If only one from the FOVs is overridden for the monitor, the non-overridden FOV is calculated from the overridden one to preserve the aspect ratio.

vertical_fov_override vertical_fov_override: 72.3 Decimal value between 0.0 and 178.0.

Overrides the vertical FOV for this monitor. For more info see horizontal_fov_override

frustum_subrect_x frustum_subrect_x: 0.3 Decimal value between 0 and 1.

Sets the left edge of the visible part of the view frustum used to render this monitor. The resulting frustum content is stretched to fit the screen area defined by the normalized_* settings. Can be used to create asymmetrical FOV.

frustum_subrect_y frustum_subrect_y: 0.3 Decimal value between 0 and 1.

Sets the bottom edge of the visible part of the view frustum used to render this monitor. See frustum_subrect_x

frustum_subrect_width frustum_subrect_width: 0.3 Decimal value between 0 and 1.

Sets the width of the visible part of the view frustum used to render this monitor. See frustum_subrect_x

frustum_subrect_height frustum_subrect_height: 0.3 Decimal value between 0 and 1.

Sets the height of the visible part of the view frustum used to render this monitor. See frustum_subrect_x

render_interior render_interior: true

multimon set middle render_interior 1

Boolean true/false (1/0).

Whether to render or not interior (dashboard). Notice in the config file true and false are accepted values. In console, you should use 1 and 0, respectively.

render_exterior render_exterior: true

multimon set middle render_exterior 1

Boolean true/false (1/0).

Whether to render or not the exterior (all except dashboard, actually). Notice in the config file true and false are accepted values. In console, you should use 1 and 0, respectively.