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→Root game folder
Root game folder consists of:
├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=automat }} - the storage for materials which are converted. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=contentbrowser}} ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=custom }} - historical folder where the modded definitions were stored - no longer used.
├─ [[/def/]] - definitions of the game world, game objects, environment etc.
├── animated_model - [[Documentation]]animatedmodel
├── camera
├── cargo
├── vehicle
├── world
├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=dlc }} - shared models used by dlc such like "dead end" sign. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=effect }} - set of the graphical effects (shaders) ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=font }} - fonts used by game. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=map }} - map data. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=material }} - materials used by UI and the objects (there you put materials before conversion???). ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=model }} - storage for models. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=model2 }} - storage for models. (describe diference) ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=prefab }} - storage for prefabs. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=prefab2 }} - storage for prefabs. (describe difference prefab<>prefab2) ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=road_template}}road_template - road template models for new system of road generation ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=sound }} - sounds used by game. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=system }} - ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=ui }} - ui dialogs and windows definitions. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=uilab }} - (not sure if we ship this folder, yes we are shipping it) ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=unit}}unit - ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=|name=vehicle}}vehicle - vehicle related files. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=video }} - video based animated textures. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-TxtFile|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=autoexec.cfg }} - configuration file which is automatically exectued on game startup └─ version{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=versuib.txt }}- TXT file containing game version string