| Inside '''/02_truck_accessory/mod_accessory/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnumrenault_magnum/accessory/f_grill''' create file called '''custom_g.sii''' which will contain definition of the grill.
And paste there the following example definition:
# The level when the accessory is unlocked. If zero it will be unlocked immediately on game start.
# The icon is a image that is displayed in truck configuration screen. We will leave the image at the moment as '''f_grill_09'''.
# The exterior_model is a model of the grill. It must a path to the '''.pmd''' file you will get after converting the data. So for this it will be: '''"/vehicle/truck/upgrade/frontgrill/renault.magnum.2009renault_magnum_2009/custom_grill.pmd"'''.