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Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory paint job data

676 bytes added, 03:03, 31 May 2017
Attributes: Added descriptions for most flipflake attributes
|Defines the color of the flip effect.
|Defines the relative strength of the flip effect.
|Defines the color of the flake effect.
|Defines how many times the flake_noise texture repeats within one UV tile. (Another way to think of this is that the UV coordinates are divided by this factor when addressing flake_noise.)
|Defines how 'tight' the flake effect is to the specular highlight. Higher values result in a smaller area of the flake effect, while smaller values result in a broad area having it.
|Adjusts the sharpness of the clearcoat specular highlight. Higher values yield sharper edges.
|Path to the flipflake texture. The RGB component multiplies the flake_color, and the A component masks the flake effect.