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448 bytes added, 10:48, 9 February 2016
no edit summary
| g_dump_signs
| TODO-| TODODumps traffic signs.
| g_find_prefab
| TODO<prefab name> [prefab name] [prefab name] ...| TODO|-| g_game_dump| TODO| TODOFind prefabs by it's unit name suffix and dump them into bugs file.
| g_info
| TODO-| TODOPrints application info. Output depends if you are in game or using map editor.
| g_item_count
| TODO(model, prefab, building, anim, mover)| TODODisplay count of the item. If no parameter is given this function prints summary about all the items.
| g_mode
| TODOg_mode <driver> <device> <resolution> <fullscreen> [msaa]| TODOChange graphics mode.
| g_msaa
| TODO<sample_count>| TODOChange [ msaa] sample count.
| g_next_border_node

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