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6,402 bytes added, 01:51, 13 November 2023
no edit summary
{{Tip| class="wikitable" width="100%"!|Name!|Type!|Default value!|Config!|PurposeBe aware that this page is obsolete, it should be updated with all commands in the future.}}
Further configuration parameters are available on the [[Documentation/Engine/Configuration variables|cvar]] page.<br>
=List={! | class="wikitablesortable" width="100%"!width="200px"|Name!width="350px"|Purpose|-| cheatParameters!| TODODescription
| check
| TODO<what>| Check if data is correct. At the moment the <what> parameter can be only "company" and then the command will validate if all connections between companies are correct.
| cs_export
| TODO<cutscene_name>| Export cutscene by name.
| dispatch
| TODO-| Handle entering initial state after game launch.
| echo
| TODO<message>| Prints message to console.
| edit
| TODO<map_name>| Start editor map_name parameter is name of the map to be edited, if not set editor stars with empty map.
| edit_build
| TODO-| Rebuild editor in map editor.
| edit_build_spawns
| TODO-| Rebuild all spawn points in map editor.
| edit_mark
| TODOSee description for parameters| Marks or unmarks sector. * edit_mark [set_filtered (base|dlc_foo|any) (dev|rel|any) [hexacolor]]* edit_mark [set sector_files [hexacolor]]* edit_mark [set_all hexacolor]* edit_mark [intersect first_file second_file [hexacolor]]* edit_mark [clear_all]* edit_mark [lock [sector_files]]* edit_mark [unlock [sector_files]]
| edit_save
| TODO|-| edit_save_backend| TODOSaves the map in map editor for loading in game.
| edit_save_text
| TODO|-| edit_unit| TODOSave map in textual form for debugging purpose.
| exec
| TODO<script file name>| Load and execute different command script. For example if you put this script into My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2:<pre># P3D Screenshot script. echo "Taking screenshot.."screenshotecho "Screenshot has been taken"</pre>Run the game and then write in console "exec /home/script_file_name" it will execute.
| exit
| TODO<reason>| Exit game command in case of error. (unloads profile)|-| g_colbox| <mode>| Displays collision boxes while in editor. 1:on, 0:off
| g_delete_idx
| TODO<index>| Delete item by given index in map editor
| g_delete_uid
| TODO<uid>| Delete item by given unique index in map editor|-| g_disable_beacons| <mode>| Changes behaviour of flashing beacons on AI vehicles/trucks (accessibility feature for epileptic people).* 0 - default* 1 - disables spot lights of strobes and beacons* 2 - as 1 and also disables their flares blinking by switching them on all the time
| g_dump
| TODO[asset extension]| Dumps map.
| g_dump_signs
| TODO-| Dumps traffic signs.
| g_find_prefab
| TODO<prefab name> [prefab name] [prefab name] ...|-| g_game_dump| TODOFind prefabs by its unit name suffix and dump them into bugs file.
| g_info
| TODO-| Prints application info. Output depends if you are in game or using map editor.
| g_item_count
| TODO(model, prefab, building, anim, mover)| Display count of the item. If no parameter is given this function prints summary about all the items.
| g_mode
| TODOg_mode <driver> <device> <resolution> <fullscreen> [msaa]| Change graphics mode.
| g_msaa
| TODO<sample_count>| Change [ msaa] sample count.
| g_next_border_node
| TODO|-| g_path| TODOFinds next border node.
| g_replace_prefab
| TODO<old_token> <new_token>| Replace old prefab with new prefab. The token is unit name without "prefab." prefix.
| g_save_curve_as_text
| TODO<file_name>| Save curve to text file.
| g_sel_dist
| TODO(short, close, middle, far),| Add to selection all items of given distance type.
| g_sel_item
| TODO<index>| Select item by index.
| g_sel_type
| TODO(Terrain, Buildings, Road, Prefab, Model, Company, Services, Cut plane, Mover, No weather area, City, Hinge, Parking, Animated Model, Map Overlay, Ferry, Sound, Garage, Camera point, Walker, Trigger, Services, Sign, bus_stop, Traffic area, Bezier Patch, Compound Model)| Select item by type.
| g_sel_uid
| TODO<uid>| Select item by unique index.|-| g_set_skybox| <skybox_idx>| Set current skybox by index.|-| g_set_climate| <nowiki><climate name> [i|f]</nowiki>| Set climate. Parameter explanation:* i - interpolated change,* f - forced change|-| g_set_weather| <nowiki><weather_index> [i|f]</nowiki>| Set weather. Parameter explanation:* weather_index**0 - nice**1 - bad* i - interpolated change,* f - forced change|-| g_set_time| <nowiki><hours> [minutes] [remove_traffic]</nowiki>| Set game time. Parameters explanation:*remove_traffic**0 - no**1 - yes
| g_ui_recache
| TODO-| Recache ui draw buffers.
| g_wander_output
| TODO[fps/vm/sb/dc [error limit][warning limit][far plane]]"| Sets which wander output will be shown.
| game
| TODO<save_slot>| Start game.
| goto
| TODO<x;y;z> or <cityname>|-| key| TODOTeleport debug camera to place on map. Press <code>CTRL</code> + <code>F9</code> to place your truck at the camera's location.
| mark_country
| TODO<country_id>| Marks roads and prefabs belong to specified country.
| mm_check
| TODO-| Check integrity of resource manager system.
| mm_defrag
| TODO-| Run memory manager defragmentation.
| mm_dump
| TODO[?bim] (help, blocks, items, mlru) [c] (children)| Dump memory manager content.
| mm_flush
| TODO-| Run memory manager garbage collector.
| mm_flush_repeatedly
| TODO-| Run memory manager garbage collector.
| mm_sys[[Documentation/Engine/Console/Commands/multimon|multimon]]| <operation> <mixed>| TODOAllows configuration of multi monitor support.
| multimonpause| TODO-| Toggle game pause state
| pausephys_info| TODO-| Display informations about physical subsystem.
| preview
| TODO<map_name> <preview_editor> <profile_to_load>|-Start game in preview mode| profiler_autoshow| TODOParameters:|* map_name -Name of the map to preview| profiler_dump* preview_editor - editor = start editor, game = start game| TODO* profile_to_load - Name of the profile to be loaded
| quit
| TODO-| Closes the game
| route
| TODO<start company name> <end company name>| Command runs navigation between two given points and marks examined road network for visual preview
| s_info
| TODO-| Reports informations about sound subsystem
| save
| TODO-| Forces game save
| screenshot
| TODO<custom_name>| Makes a screenshot. The <custom_name> parameter sets custom name of screenshot file name. This parameter is optional.
| sdk
| TODO<operation>|Perform SDK operation <operation> parameter can be:* reinit -reinitializes the SDK| set* unload - unload all plugins| TODO* reload - reloads all plugins
| spawn
| TODO<object_type>| Spawn traffic object Allowed object types:* vehicle - standard ai vehicle* vehicle_forced - forced ai vehicle (ignoring traffic origin and density)
| test
| TODO-| Not available in final builds
| uset
| TODO<cvar> <value>| Set value of the [[Documentation/Engine/Configuration variables|cvar]] by name - in case cvar was not found creates new.
| validate
| TODO-| Start validation
| warp
| TODO<speed>| Set speed of the gameplay. The correct value of the speed parameter is a floating point number in range from 0.0001 to 60.0|-| ui| <command[[:flags] name[:class] ["parameters"]]>| Internal ui operations command. *command**'s'(how) - shows a window. Parameters [ui_script [left=0 bottom=0]]**'h'(ide) - hides a window**'t'(oggle) - toggles window. For parameters see 's'**'i'(nsert) - inserts a window. For parameters see 's'**'r'(emove) - removes a window**'c'(ommand) - commands ui component. Parameters [component_name parameters]*flags**'v'(iew) - hides a pointer atop this window**'l'(ock 0) - doesn't lock input when showing this window**'m'(odular)- makes a window modular**'f'(ocus 0)- doesn't grab focus when showing this window**'e'(vfiltr)- create as eventfilter**'t'(opmost)- create as topmost**'b'(ottomm)- create as bottommost
'''Command parameters'''
*Parameters surrounded by <> are required.
*Parameters surrounded by [] are optional.
*Parameters surrounded by () are values that can be used as this parameter - other values effect depends on the command.

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