Tutorials/Beginners/Simple cube/1. How to prepare tools for mod creation

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1 Simple cube dl tools.jpg Download SCS Blender Tools and Conversion Tools.
  1. Download SCS Blender Tools
  2. Download Conversion Tools
2 Simple cube extract.jpg Extract both conversion tools and SCS Blender Tools.
3 Simple cube install scstools.jpg

Install the SCS Blender Tools addon to your blender. Simply copy io_scs_tools folder [placed inside {Blender Tools path}/addon] (1) to the {Blender folder}/scripts/addons (2) folder.

4 Simple cube blender navigate to userprefs.jpg Start Blender and navigate to the user settings.
5 Simple cube blender enable addon.jpg In Add-ons tab select all the supported levels (2). Search for "SCS Tools" in the search box (1) and activate the addon by pressing the checkbox (3).

TIP: In case you are unable to find the addon make sure it's correctly installed. (Check 3rd step again)

TIP: You can check the video version of the tutorial to check the blender widgets layout we recommend (2:50 - 3:07)

6 File:Simple cube setup lighting.jpg Setup the scene - check the tutorial video for instructions how to do it (1:57 - 2:02).