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Run '''SCS Workshop Uploader''' tool from your steam client. **TODO: Describe howto find the tool in steam client and link installation tutorial**
Run '''SCS Workshop Uploader''' tool from your steam client. **TODO: Describe howto find the tool in steam client and link installation tutorial**

Revision as of 10:15, 26 January 2016

Preparing mod

To upload mod to Steam Workshop you need to setup few new files and folders your mod. Steam Workshop mods have ability to be compatible with multiple versions so you need to define which data game should use.

First step of preparing your mod to be sent to Steam Workshop is creation of folder where you will store your mod data.

0002 create folder.jpg

When you create the folder open it and create another folder called latest (the name can be different however we recommend calling it latest) - in this place you will put data files of your mod that will be compatible with latest game patches. Instead of folder you can also create ZIP archives with game data.

0003 create latest folder.jpg

Open text editor and create file called versions.sii - save it in the same folder where you created latest folder

0004 open text editor and create versions sii.jpg

Add magic and global scope to your versions.sii file.

0005 fill versions sii with magic and global sii scope.jpg

Add definition of latest version.

0006 add package version info for latest version.jpg

Set value of the attribute called folder which is the name of the folder or ZIP archive with the data.

0007 add folder attribute to latest info.jpg

When you do those points and put your game content to folder/archive you and you don't want to support exact patches you can skip next points and go to Uploading part.

In case you have data that supports one exact update you need to create folder or archive where you will store the content.

0008 create folder for 122 content.jpg

Open your text editor and do exatly the same steps as you did while adding definition for latest patch. (Besides different folder and unit name)

0009 add new unit to versions sii with 122 content step 1.jpg

There is new thing. You need to set value of the compatible_versions attribute. This attribute is simply array containing strings that are masks of the game versions. As we want to have data for 1.22 patch simply write there "1.22.*". Values are similar to compatible_versions array in manifest.sii however for workshop mods we are using versions specified in versions.sii.

0010 add new unit to versions sii with 122 content step 2.jpg

In case you want to support more than one exact version you need to setup folder for it.

0011 create multiversion folder.jpg

Add again the same definition for the unit.

0012 add another unit to versions sii.jpg

Add compatible_version value for one patch you support.

0013 add first version attribute.jpg

And add again compatible_version value for second patch you want to support.

0014 add second version attribute.jpg


Scs workshop uploader tutorial preview.jpg

Run SCS Workshop Uploader tool from your steam client. **TODO: Describe howto find the tool in steam client and link installation tutorial**


Select the game that is compatible with your mod. In the Mod data section - browse for a mod data folder.


If you select folder, browse for mod preview image.


In next step fill mod name.


Select mod visibility in steam workshop. If it's Private, Friends only or Public.


Fill your mod description which will be shown in your item workshop page. (Minimum 50 characters)

TODO: Describe why writing for example 1 cyrillic character counts as 2, why one space is count as character and why enter is cound as character.


Now, you MUST select type tag for your mod.


You CAN select truck parts and brand tag if appropriate.


You can fill change not of your mod - because it's first upload step you will more likely write nothing here - or write something like "Initial upload.".


If you did all the points simply click Upload button. Before the actual upload operation the tool will check if your mod contains correct data.


In case of any error you will notice this dialog.

0025 in case of error you will get this dialog.jpg

When you click OK(?) you will see log dialog with all errors and warnings that occured during validation. In case if you have only warnings you can both continue or abort operation. In case of error you NEED TO fix them before uploading.

TODO: Error log screenshot here

In case you click Continue mod will start uploading.

In case mod has been successfuly uploaded you will see this dialog.

0026 upload success.jpg

However it is possible that there was some failure - you will then notice dialog with the error message. If you have some problem with resolving the problem write on our forum click todo moding section (Create Steam Workshop section dedicated to it?)

Steam Workshop Terms Of Service

If it’s your first mod and you were not doing any mods for other game (or Valve updated Terms of Service?) you will likely get error about not accepted Steam Workshop Terms Of Service - if so happends tool will show you appropriate message and the steam workshop terms of service will be opened in your default web browser - you have to login to your steam account read and accept the terms of service and if you do so simply go back to the tool and try again with uploading your mod.


  1. Create folder where you will put your mod content.
  2. Put version specific content into appropriate folders - you can zip those folders. TODO: What are those "appropriate" folders?
  3. Create file called versions.sii where you put package version info units. TODO: Describe how to write this definition file with some examples
  4. When you prepare everything launch SCS Workshop Uploader tool from your Steam Client.
  5. Select the game which will be the target application for your workshop creation.
  6. In "Mod data" section
    1. Select folder with your mod content. You need to select the root folder of your mod this where you have placed your versions.sii file and version folders or archives.
    2. Browse for preview image. The maximum size of the file is 1 MB.
  7. In the next section
    1. fill the Mod name (maximum 128 characters)
    2. select visibility state (if the mod is private, friends only or public).
  8. In "Description" section fill your mod description - the minimum amount of characters is 50 characters - maximum is 8000. (We count one byte as characters so in case you are using multibyte characters it will count as more than one (also new lines, spaces count as character))
  9. In "Tags" section
    1. You MUST select Type of your mod
    2. Truck parts and Brand are optional
  10. In "Change note" you specify changelog of new mod version - in this case you can leave it empty or simply write there something like "Initial release" or "First version release".
  11. When you are done you can press Upload button. In case validation failed or some different problem happened you will be informed by proper dialog.