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Tutorials/Map Editor/Roads/Road Item Properties Dialog

< Tutorials‎ | Map Editor‎ | Roads

If we click Item Properties (P key) and then click the road piece, we will get a new dialog box which shows all options for our road. Most of the options listed here are similar to the previous dialog box. Listed below are the new items.

Road item properties.png


Main Dialog

View Distance (Slider) Distance in meters that the object can be viewed from

High-poly road Enables more terrain quads; good for blending terrain using brush tool
Low-poly veg. Low quality vegetation used for performance
Superfine <Defunct>
Tunnel road <Defunct> Use Weather area
No Collision Turns of collision for road piece
Ignore cut planes Road item ignores cut planes and loads regardless
Terrain shadows Terrain cast shadows on road piece
Show in UI map Shows road on GPS and enables navigation
Water reflection Road reflects on water surfaces
Smooth detail veg. Smooth transition of terrain and brushes
No AI vehicles Disables AI traffic for selected road
Left-hand traffic Reverses AI pathing on roadway for left hand drive traffic
GPS Avoid Game will ignore road piece for navigation
No boundary Removes invisible walls surrounding road
Stretch terrain <Defunct>
Secret road Road shows up on gps only after being discovered

Terrain size Size in meters the terrain will extend from road model
Road heigh offset Offset height of the terrain in meters
Shoulder blocked Disables spawning of items close to road edge

Profile Predefined terrain shape

Vegetation Tab

3 drop-down boxes for selecting 3 different vegetation models as defined in /def/world/vegetation.sii
Sparsity Denesity of vegetation; lower values = higher density
From/to Selected vegetation model appears between which distances on terrain in meters

Model Tab

2 drop-down boxes for selecting models; these are used as a repeating object separated by distance IE lamps, signs, posts, etc.

Railing Tab

3 drop-down boxes for selecting models; these are used as a continuous object IE guardrails, tunnel walls, bridge walls, etc.

Overrides Tab

Used for overriding variants and edges on the road piece to add multiple looks/edges to the same road piece

Misc. Tab

Additional parts supported by the road model can be turned on/off here