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===Description file has to be put inside the same directory as manifest.sii file.===
The mod description file should be placed next to the manifest.sii file in the version folder/archivepackage. You need to move it or create in case you have not done it yet.
===Description file must be TXT file (?)===
===Icon file has to be put inside the same directory as manifest.sii file.===
The mod icon file should be placed next to the manifest.sii file in the version folder/archivepackage. You need to move it or create in case you have not done it yet.
===Icon file must be JPG file (?)===
===Unable to mount version.===
Unable to mount mod data archivepackage. Try compresing mod data again as it may be broken.
===Unable to open description file.===
Icon file for your mod does not exists. Make sure if icon file name in '''manifest.sii''' is correct and the icon file exists in the same directory as '''manifest.sii'''.
===The version folder/archive package does not exists!===
Folder/archive Package specified in version info inside '''versions.sii''' file does not exists. Make sure you did not make any typo and the folder/archive package really exists.
===Unable to find descriptor file for model geometry! (geometry: ?)===