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===No package versions defined.===
===Unable to mount version.===
===Unable to open file.===
===No icon specified.===
===Icon file has to be put inside the same directory as manifest.sii file.===
===Unable to open description file.===
===Unable to load model geometry file.===
===Unable to load tobj file.===
===No vertices defined for piece ?."===
===Unable to load model descriptor file.===
===File is not present===
===Description file (?) does not exists.===
===Icon file (?) does not exists===
===Unable to find descriptor file for model geometry! (geometry: ?)===
===Unable to find universal version defined.===
===Version folder name contains disallowed characters. Allowed [a-z0-9_].===
===Using SCS files is not allowed for Steam Workshop mods - please use normal .zip files or folders.===
===txt/.jpg files that are not referenced by any sii file are not allowed!===
===File with the unsupported extension found in the mod. Please remove it before uploading the mod.===
===Mod package has to be placed inside the manifest.sii files put in version specific content directory. For example: "/latest/manifest.sii". (path: ?, manifest: ?)===
===Unable to read magic SII mark from file.===
===Unable to load icon likely malformed file.===
===Malformed description file. The description file should be encoded in UTF-8!===
===Count of the parts does not match descriptor file ?. (desc: ?, geom: ?)===
===Unable to create validation log file.===