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Documentation/Engine/Units/transmission names

281 bytes removed, 15:53, 30 May 2017
Attributes: Changed arrays to C++ template format as requested
|The gear names to be displayed for reverse gears. The array indices correspond to those in the ''ratios_reverse'' attribute of the parent ''accessory_transmission_data'' unit.
|The gear names to be displayed for reverse gears. The array indices correspond to those in the ''ratios_forward'' attribute of the parent ''accessory_transmission_data'' unit.
{{Note|Because the ''transmission_names'' units are nameless, the "gear_names.sui" file can be included in many transmission definitions without fear of namespace collisions because nameless units only exist within the scope of the SiiNunit in which they are declared. However, nameless units ''within'' an SiiNunit '''must''' have unique names within that scope.}}
== Raw Unit Definition ==
<pre style="max-height:300px;overflow:auto"> "transmission_names":{
"type": "string"
"type": "string_array"
"type": "string_array"