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Documentation/Engine/Configuration variables

571 bytes added, 10:18, 11 February 2016
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| 500.0
| global
| TODOSpeed of movement of the cursor when using a gamepad-like input in pixels per second. Set to zero or negative value to disable use of gamepads and joysticks for cursor movement.
| g_artist_id
| 0
| global
| TODOArtist specific id. (0-15 range)
| g_steam_screenshots
| 2
| global
| TODOWay in which we should handle the screenshots in steam version. *0 - no special handling.*1 - screenshots taken by game are also added to steam*2 - game entirely handles capturing of Steams screenshots
| g_steam_browser
| 1
| global
| TODOShould game use steam build-in browser or user default browser to open external links?
| g_steam_rich_presence
| 1
| global
| TODOIs steam rich presence enabled?
| g_show_game_elements
| 1
| global
| TODOAre activation points enabled?
| g_disable_hud_activation
| 0
| global
| TODOAre specific hud activations disabled?
| n_online_pre_fail_probability