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Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.44

55 bytes added, 20:31, 21 April 2022
More generic wheel system
== More generic wheel system ==
Handling logic of wheels has been rewritten. Now there are not hardcoded front and rear wheels anymore, but just there are simply wheels of various types.
Type of the wheel is defined by single letter. For backward compatibility so far existing wheels are F- and R-typed. They are mounted on locator with the same single letter tag and expected to be stored in similarly named folders with similar unit names (including wheel parts - tire, disc, hub ...). All old wheel data thus work exactly the same as before. But in addition you can create new types defined by different letter that are used and controlled by chassis model and its locators, but shared between vehicles still. Sets of truck and trailer wheels are separated much like before.
For example, new ATS dropdecks trailers have S- and D-type wheels (single and double wheels with much smaller diameter). Wheel part accessories are stored in '''s_tire''', '''s_disc''', '''d_hub''', '''d_nuts''' and simlar folders and unit are named '''stire''', '''sdisc''', '''dhub''', '''dnuts''' etc.