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Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Materials

297 bytes added, 09:18, 16 October 2017
== Lamps and 3D View setup ==
To get closest result to the one in SCS Game Engine you should use one "Sun" lamp with settings shown in the image below. new feature of easy lighting setup, see more: [[File:SCS_Material_Specials_-_Lamp_Setup.png./Scene Lighting]]
Additionally you have to switch shading in the 3D view properties to GLSL and tick "Backface Culling" to see models properly.
== Properties and usage ==
Properties in material are shader type dependent. So each type of shader may have different attributes and textures. Additionally there is "WT" button for some of the properties which can be written through all of the looks, for more information see the section [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Look Systemsystem#write-throughWrite Through|Look system#Write Through]]
=== Substance ===
Substance property is item from list of physical materials, which is loaded from Material Substance Library file (see the chapter “Path Settings” in [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Global Settings#Path Settings|Global Settings#Path Settings]]). These can for example set up the physical type of the road surface.
=== Material Attributes ===
Property defining path to texture or texture object file (TOBJ - pointers to texture images). Using map icon on the side of this property will open file browser where you will be able to select image or any TOBJ for using it as texture. After selecting, the image will be automatically applied to material.
<blockquote>NOTE: {{Note|Usage of texture which is not from SCS project directory (see [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Global Settings#path-settingsPath Settings|Global Settings#Path Settings]]) and it's sub-directories may cause errors and warnings on export!}}
* '''''U Repeat''''' - repeat texture in U direction.<br />* '''''V Repeat''''' - repeat texture in V direction.<br />
* '''''TS Normal''''' - tangent space normal for the texture.
* '''''Color Space Linear''''' - texture is in linear color space (this option should be used on occlusion type of shaders in combination with grayscale occlusion texture).
==== Mapping ====
This property specifies which UV layer will be used for this texture. For some textures you may need to specify more then one UV layer, depends on which Shader Preset is used.

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