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Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory truck data

1 byte added, 11:23, 20 June 2017
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|Each member contains a specially-formatted string which defines an accessory type (token) and the relative path to an SII file with a safe fallback accessory defined. So a fallback rule for <code>chassis</code> may look like <code>fallback[]: "chassis<nowiki>|</nowiki>4x2.sii"</code> which would call on ''/def/vehicle/truck/<makebrand.model>/chassis/4x2.sii'' if there is ever a problem with the vehicle's currently assigned chassis accessory that makes it invalid or unloadable.
Accessories are handled differently. For example, a rule for <code>steering_w</code> looks like <code>fallback[]: "accessory<nowiki>|</nowiki>steering_w/shape1.sii"</code>.

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