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What is unit?

Units are objects in Prism3d that have ability to be serialized or deserialized.

Unit has:

  • Name - units can be nameless or have some specified name. Unit names are divided into components which are 12-char tokens separated by dot - for example correct unit name will be vehicle.dummy.truck incorrect will be vehicledummytruck however in most cases you should not use them, in case some mod is using name vehicle.dummy.truck and you will also use this your mod will fail to load. To create nameless unit simply use dot as the prefix for your unit name for example .my_mod.nameless.units
  • Attributes - attributes are set of the data that unit can store, it can be number, text, other unit connection, set of them etc.

SII files

Units are stored in SII files. There are two versions of this file supported by engine textual and binary however only textual form is used for definitions.


The magic mark - used to check if file is real SII file or not.


The opening bracket used to explicitly show the global file scope start


Here you put your unit definitions

some_unit : .my_mod.unit
    attribute_number: 40
    attribute_string: "TEST STRING"
    attribute_token: TEST
    attribute_float3: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    attribute_float_number_ieee754: &40490f5a

The closing bracked for the SiiNUnit


It's always good to add one blank line at the end of the file.

Unit definition entry

Unit definition entry format is:

class name : unit name


You can comment some of your data using C-like multi-line comments syntax starting from /* and ending with */.


/* Definition of some unit.
 * Author: You */
some_unit : .my_mod.unit

Also you can use one-line comments those are starting from # or //.


some_unit : .my_mod.unit // Some unit
    # This value should be tweaked after users feedback
    some_value: 45.875


You can also include other files into another. To do this you need to use SII preprocessor directive - @include.


@include "some_file_to_include.sui"

You may notice usage of the new extension - .sui. It's used for unit serialized files without magic mark SiiNUnit that are included somewhere in different files. We recommend you also using this extension.

Attribute types

Type Value Example
string "x" attribute: "String value"
float x attribute: 1.0 // Using normal float-notation
attribute: &3f800000 // using ieee754 hexa notation
float2 (x, y) attribute: (1.0, 2.0)
float3 (x, y, z) attribute: (1.0, 5.0, 3.0)
float4 (x, y, z, w) attribute: (1.0, 5.0, 3.0, 9.0)
fixed x 10
fixed2 (x, y) (10, 22)
fixed3 (x, y, z) (10, 22, 33)
fixed4 (x, y, z, w) (10, 22, 33, 44)
int2 (x, y) attribute: (20, 69)
quaternion (w, x, y, z) attribute: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
token x attribute: value
s16 x attribute: -15
s32 x attribute: -15
s64 x attribute: -15
u16 x attribute: 15
u32 x attribute: 15
u64 x attribute: 15
bool x attribute: true

attribute: false

unit x attribute: my.unit


You can also use arrays of the values. The array syntax is:

attribute_name[]: value

In some cases you may notice fixed-arrays written in this format:

attribute_name: 3
attribute_name[0]: 1
attribute_name[1]: 5
attribute_name[2]: 9