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119 bytes removed, 13:15, 14 January 2016
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Units has:
* Name - units can be nameless or have some specified name names are divided into<br />components which are 12-char tokens separated by dot - for example correct<br />unit name will be <code>vehicle.dummy.truck however</code> in most cases you should not use<br />them as in case engine detects two units with the same name it will fail so in<br />case some mod is using name <code>vehicle.dummy.truck</code> and you will also use this your<br />mod will fail to load. To create nameless unit simply use dot as the prefix for<br />your unit name for example <code>.my_mod.nameless.units</code>* Attributes - attributes is a set of the data unit can store, it can be number,<br />text, other unit connection, set of them etc. Some units are failing in case they<br />contain serialized some attribute that is no longer supported however some of<br />them have special flag in the engine to allow loading not allowed attributes.
== SII files ==
Units are stored in SII files. There are two versions of this file supported by<br />engine textual and binary however only textual form is used for definitions.
=== Struture ===
=== Comments ===
You can comment some of your data using C-like multi-line comments syntax starting<br />from <code>/*</code> and ending with <code>*/</code>.
=== Includes ===
You can also include other files into another. To do this you need to use SII<br />preprocessor directives <code>@include</code>.
<pre>@include &quot;some_file_to_include.sui&quot;</pre>
You may notice usage of the new extension - '''.sui'''. It's used for unit serialized<br />files without magic mark <code>SiiNUnit</code> that are included somewhere in different files.<br />We recommend you also using this extension.
== Attribute types ==
| attribute: my.unit
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