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Documentation/Engine/Truck Interior Animations and IDs

30 bytes removed, 12:38, 4 November 2019
Element IDs (mostly ui::text_common type):
* 1330 - battery voltage gauge, expected to be ui_gauge element type
* 1340 - oil temperature gauge, expected to be ui_gauge element type
* 1350 - ui::text for instant consumption fuel economy bar, the text is cut according to current consumption value* 1355 - ui::text that defines size, orientation and range of instant consumption fuel economy bar (typical data "H~~0~~505", horizontal range 0 to 50 5 km/l/100km)* 1360 - ui::text for average consumption fuel economy bar, the text is cut according to current consumption value* 1365 - ui::text that defines size, orientation and range of average consumption fuel economy bar (typical data "H~~0~~505", horizontal range 0 to 50 5 km/l/100km)
Data for bars are entered in format "H~~0~~130", H means the bar is horizontal (or V for vertical), leftmost position represents value 0, rightmost position represents value 130. Empty text defaults to "H~~0~~1".

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