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Documentation/Engine/Configuration variables

2 bytes added, 21:50, 14 November 2023
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Some of them (global settings) are loaded from the '''''config.cfg''''' that can be found in the [[Documentation/Engine/Game_user_path|game user folder]]; others (which are associated with a player's profile) will be saved in the profile folder (e.g. "''<game_user_path>/profiles/<profile_id>''").
Most of these can be changed during the game play using the [[Documentation/Engine/Console|console]]. To do so, enter the variable name, followed by the desired value, to change it , and press Enter. Additionally the command '''uset''' can be used before the cvar name, but it is not necessary.
To determine the current and default value of a variable, enter only its name.
| 1.0
| global
| Gama Gamma correction factor (works only in fullscreen mode)
| r_hdr