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311 bytes added, 22:14, 22 January 2023
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Welcome to the SCS Software modding wiki. Work in progress.{{WelcomeMessage}}
=Where do you want to go?=This wiki is meant for anyone who is interested in modding SCS games. It is the ultimate source for all official SCS modding tools, their documentation and tutorials. * Documentation** [[Tools/Workshop Uploader]]** [[Tools/The wiki also provides additional information about the SCS Blender Tools]]game engine, its possible configuration, and usage of different game features.** [[Tools/Game Archive Extractor]]** [[Engine/Units|=What is unitare you looking for?]]=** [[Engine/Formats{|Formats used by Prism3D]]** [[Engine/Multimon Config]]|-** [[Engine/Advanced Input Config]]| {{NavigationTile|name=Documentation|description=All documentation in one place}}** [[Engine/Mod manager]]** [[Engine/SDK/Telemetry]]* [[| {{NavigationTile|name=Tutorials]]|description=Learn how to make mods}}** [[Tutorials/Workshop|SCS Workshop Uploader]]-** [[Tutorials| {{NavigationTile|name=Tools|link=Documentation/Blender Tools|icon_size=52|description=Download & docs for all SCS Blender Tools]]tools}}| {{NavigationTile|name=Games|description=List of currently supported games}}|}** Z* [[Games]]=Want to contribute?=**ETS2***No problem, check out the [[ETS2/UpdatesContribution]] - TBD if we want it herepage. ***[[ETS2/Modding Guides]]=Did I miss something?=**ATS***[[ATS/Updates]] - TBD Not sure if we want it hereyou have missed something since your last visit? ***Check out the [[ATS/Modding Guides]{{fullurl:Special:RecentChanges|days=30&limit=500|}} Recent Changes]page and see what we've been up to.