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Documentation/Engine/Game data

11 bytes added, 24 July
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All of SCS games are using partially prescribed folder structure. This means that some resources must have the proper name and be placed into the proper folder otherwise game may malfunction or even crash. That's why this topic is giving insight to game base folder structure, it's its crucial resources and their place in folders.
In general , this topic is showing and describing the structure of the folders and files as you get them by using the [[Documentation/Tools/Game Archive Extractor|Game Archive Extractor]] for two basic files with .scs extension found in game installation directory: "'''base.scs'''" and "'''def.scs'''".
= Root game folder =
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=effect}} ''Set of compiled shader effects used by game for rendering of any visual element.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=font|link=#Fonts}} ''See: [[#Fonts|Fonts]].''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=map}} ''Storage for maps and it's its additional data.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=material|link=#Predefined materials}} ''See: [[#Predefined materials|Predefined materials]].''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=model}} ''Storage for 1st generation of map assets.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=camera|link=#Camera definitions}} ''See: [[#Camera definitions|Camera definitions]].''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=cargo|link=#Cargo definitions}} ''See: [[#Cargo definitions|Cargo definitions]].''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=city}} ''Defines cities for game. Each city is defined in it's its own SII file.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=climate|link=#Climate definitions}} ''See: [[#Climate definitions|Climate definitions]].''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=company|link=#Company definitions}} ''See: [[#Company definitions|Company definitions]].''
Camera definitions folder ("'''/def/camera'''") is using "'''camera_storage(.infix).sii'''" files as storage files defining cameras that can be used by player while in game (UI interface is not handled by cameras, as UI is drawn directly on screen 2D plane). Note that this defines only storage for available in game cameras, but which camera is used in the game depends on currently user selected view and current used player vehicle.
Beside storage files camera definitions folder also includes "'''cutscene.sii'''" file which defines camera and it's its movement in different cut-scenes.
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=== Climate definitions ===
Each climate is defined in it's its own folder "'''/def/climate/<climate_name>/'''" and usually have profile SII files: one for nice weather "'''nice.sii'''" and second for bad weather "'''bad.sii'''". Climates definitions are used in Map Editor (Editor Settings -> Weather tab).
By default there should be at least two climates:
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=<company_name_1>}} ''Folder defining company data, named same as it's its corresponding company data file.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=editor}} ''Folder containing definitions for cities in which this company exists and which prefab will be used for it.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=in}} ''Folder containing SII files for cargoes this company accepts.''
Defines available countries that can be used in the Map Editor and later in game. While defining new country make sure to include it in country storage file "'''/def/country(.infix).sii'''".
Each country has it's its own folder defining all possible country specific data. Worth mentioning is modification of AI traffic appearing frequencies, which is done by adding SII files inside "'''/def/country/<country_name>/ai/'''" folder. Each SII file defines modified frequency for one AI vehicle, where it's its name tells which car it is it. Possible file names are AI vehicles unit name suffixes used inside AI vehicle definitions (AI vehicles definitions can be found in: "'''/def/vehicle/ai/'''").
Tree overview of country definitions:
=== Vehicle definitions ===
Vehicle definitions are responsible for configuration of any type of vehicles and it's its parts in SCS games that are not map assets. Biggest part of this configurations belongs to configuration of possible player vehicles and it's its parts.
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