no edit summary
Conversion helper panel features tools for automated files conversion and mod packing. Panel with conversion helper can be found below [[Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Export Panel|Export Panel]] located within Scene tab in Blender properties window.
However before you use Conversion Helper you should download latest [[Conversion Tools]] for the game you want to create mod for. Also make sure you have checked [[Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Intended Workflowworkflow|Intended workflow]] images.
== Custom Paths Usage ==
Custom Paths are holding list property for multiple custom paths you want to convert at the same time. Use this custom paths if you want to merge resources from 2 or more different mods of yours. Example usage is shown in [[Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Intended-Workflowworkflow#usual Usual mod combined with dependency mod using custom paths|Intended workflow#Usual mod combined with dependency mod using custom paths]]
On the side of the list you can find operators for managing your custom paths:
First two options are specifying destination and name:
* '''Mod Folder Path''' - property holding folder where mod should be placed. On the side of this property you have operator ([[images/File:SCS_Tools_Conv_Hlpr_Find_Folder.png]]) for auto retrieve of the mod paths for Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator.
* '''Mod Name''' - property holding name of the mod ZIP file.
* '''Auto Clean''' - enable this switch if you want to make clean conversion without any leftovers from previous packing or converting.
* '''Auto Export''' - enable this switch if you want to run automated Blender Tools export. Scope of the content which will be auto exported is defined with Export Scope property in [[Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Export Panel|Export Panel]].
* '''Auto Convert''' - enable this switch if you want for your resources to be converted before packing. This automated conversion will convert SCS Project Base Path as well as any defined custom paths.