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00010 - IO Error
===Unable to load model animation file.===
The load of the animation file failed. Try to run resource converstion for your mod again - in case it won't help check [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Workshop Uploader/tool.log.txt|tool.log.txt]] file for more informations.
===Unable to load model collision file.===
The load of the collision file failed. Try to run resource converstion for your mod again - in case it won't help check [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Workshop Uploader/tool.log.txt|tool.log.txt]] file for more informations.
===Unable to load model descriptor file.===
The load of the descriptor file failed. Try to run resource converstion for your mod again - in case it won't help check [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Workshop Uploader/tool.log.txt|tool.log.txt]] file for more informations.
===Unable to load model geometry file.===
The load of the geometry file failed. Try to run resource converstion for your mod again - in case it won't help check [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Workshop Uploader/tool.log.txt|tool.log.txt]] file for more informations.
===Unable to load tobj file.===
Failed to load .tobj file. Try running again mod data conversion - in case it did not check [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Workshop Uploader/tool.log.txt|tool.log.txt]] if there are no informations about the tobj problem.
===Unable to read units from file.===
Unable to deserialize units from sii file. All the parsing errors are printed out to the [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Workshop Uploader/tool.log.txt|tool.log.txt]] file. Check it for more info.
===Unable to mount version.===
=00003 - Not allowed=
===Package name (?..) name is too long. Maximum length is ?.===
Package name is too long. Maximum length of the name is: '''256'''.
===Package name is not a valid string===
The package name is not valid string. Make sure that you are using of correct characters.
===File with the unsupported extension found in the mod. Please remove it before uploading the mod.===
my_mod\versions.sii <-- Definition file containing informations about versions and mod packages.
my_mod\universal <-- Universal mod package (can be zip or archive)
my_mod\ <-- Mod package for the 1.22 patchupdate. (can be zip archive)
Starting with Steam Workshop mods you are not able to use ZIP files renamed to .scs. Please use normal ZIP files with .zip extension or folders.
===Version folder Package name contains disallowed characters. Allowed [a-z0-9_].=== Package name can only contains characters from range a to z, 0 to 9 and underscore characters _. Example:{| class="wikitable"! Correct? || Folder/archive name|-| yes || universal|-| yes || 122_content|-| yes || 122_123_content|-| no || Universal|-| no || $FOLDERNAME$$|} ===folder package_name attribute in version definition file must be set.=== The package_name value must be set in all version definitions. 
=00004 - Malformed file=
===Unable to load data from model ? file. (file is probably malformed - please run resource conversion again)===
Model file is malformed and the validator was unable to load data from it please run resource conversion again to fix this problem.
===1D, 2D, 3D and Rect tobj can have only one map set! (map index: ?)===
The .tobj file is likely malformed. Run the conversion of your mod data again.
===Count of the parts does not match descriptor file ?. (desc: ?, geom: ?)===
There is some problem with the model you are using. Please try running conversion of mod data again.
===Count of the parts does not match geometry file ?. (desc: ?, geom: ?)===
===Incorrect map at index 0===There is some problem with the model you are using. Please try running conversion of mod data again. 
===Incorrect map at index ?===
Incorrect map in .tobj file has been detected. Please try running conversion of mod data again
===Incorrect map type. (?)===
The .tobj file is likely malformed. Run the conversion of your mod data again.
===Incorrect texture sampler_name: "?".===
Material is corrupted. Please try running conversion of mod data again. In case it did not help please check all the paths in the material file.
===Malformed DDS file!===
The DDS file is malformed. Save it again using your graphic editor in case it's created by you - in case it's result of mod data conversion run it again.
===Malformed description file. The description file should be encoded in UTF-8!===
The description file is not encoded in UTF-8 and contain invalid characters. Please resave it using your text editor using UTF-8 encoding. (In case your text editor is not supporting UTF-8 we recommend using [ Notepad++])
===Malformed OGG file. Please correct it before uploading the mod.===
The audio OGG file is malformed. Please re-save it.
===Malformed tobj file.===
The .tobj file is malformed. Please run mod data conversion again.
===Unable to load icon likely malformed file.===
Unable to load data from the mod package icon. The file is likely broken please save it again using your image editor.
===Unable to read magic SII mark from file.===
The .sii file does not contain magic SII mark ("SiiNunit"). The correct .sii file is:
// Content
=00005 - Missing required attribute=
===At least interior_model or exterior_model must be set to valid model descriptor file.===
The mod icon is too big. Maximum allowed size for is: '''1 MB'''
[[Category:TODO]]=00010 - IO Error=This kind of error mostly happens when the application is not able to read/write information to the hard disk. Make sure you have enough space on your hard disk. If it happens during reading, it is possible that an anti-virus was blocking the file and application failed to read it - try disabling it for the time of application use.