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Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.47

897 bytes added, 12:59, 2 June 2023
Cabin suspension type
=== Cabin suspension type ===
Accessory cabin data unit got new <code>suspension_type</code> attribute. It is token with default <code>4air</code> value. Other accepted value is <code>hinge2air</code> which gives option to setup two basic types of cabin suspension used in Europe an US.
With US-type suspension rendering of truck parts has been slightly changed due to hood mounted parts. In exterior view everything is rendered as before, using <code>exterior_model</code> (and baked into chassis and cabin models). In interior view all accessories on interior-mounted locators are rendered as before (in fixed position to camera/interior). Also if <code>show_chassis_rear</code> is enabled baked chassis model is rendered as before. But additionaly chassis-mounted accessories that have explicitely defined <code>interior_model</code> are also rendered. This allows specific detail level from interior (like nose mirrors) or show some specific chassis-mounted part instead of force game to draw whole baked chassis (hood, headache rack, etc). Slight caveat is that definition of interior model excludes accessory from baking process, so its exterior rendering might be bit slower.
=== Dashboard Colors ===