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{{Note|For older legacy SCS Blender Tools versions (< 2.0), please refer to old installation page: [https[Special:PermanentLink//modding.scssoft.com/index.php?title=Documentation/Tools/SCS_Blender_Tools/Installation&oldid=4074 |here]].}}
=== 1. Download SCS Blender Tools add-on ===
Before installation download latest add-on: [https://github.com/SCSSoftware/BlenderTools/releases/latest/download/scs_blender_tools_addon.zip scs_blender_tools_addon.zip]
{{Note|If you are looking for a specific Above link provides latest version, please refer to legacy versions and sample data can be found on [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Download|Download]] page.}}
=== 2. Install... ===
=== 3. Add-on Activation ===
Now it is necessary to activate the SCS Blender Tools add-on. While still on ''Add-ons'' preferences tab, search for add-on by typing 'SCS' into search bar and look for "Import-Export: SCS Tools". Now activate the checkbox on the left side of SCS Tools entry. If the item is missing in your list, try to press pressing F8 to reload add-ons.