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Documentation/Engine/Configuration variables

385 bytes added, 04:07, 16 November 2023
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The following variables configure different aspects of the game.<br>Some of them (global settings) are loaded from the <tt>config.sii</tt> {{Tip|Be aware that this page is in the main configuration folder (normally <tt>My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2</tt>); others (which are associated obsolete, it should be updated with a player's profile) will be all comments in the profile configuration folder (e.g. <tt>My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles\<profile_id></tt>)future time.}}
Any The following variables configure different aspects of the game. Some of them (global settings) are loaded from the '''''config.cfg''''' that can be found in the [[Documentation/Engine/Game_user_path|game user folder]]; others (which are associated with a player's profile) will be saved in the profile folder (e.g. "''<game_user_path>/profiles/<profile_id>''"). Most of these can be changed during the game play using the [[Documentation/Engine/Console|console]].Enter To do so, enter the variable name, followed by the desired value, to change it (, and press Enter. Additionally the command <tt>'''uset</tt> ''' can be used before the cvar name, but it is not necessary). To determine the current and default value of a variable, enter only its name.
g_police 0 (disables traffic fines)
g_colbox 1 (displays collision boxes)
r_mirror_view_distance (might return the following)
"r_mirror_view_distance" is: "400" default:"80.0"
To determine the current value of a variable, enter only its name.
Variables list (''some of the columns in the table can be sorted by clicking the up/down arrows''):
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
!width="150px"|Name!width="70px" class="unsortable"|Type!width="200px" class="unsortable"|Default value!width="50px"|Config!class="unsortable"|Purpose
| r_texture_detail| integer| 0| global| Texture detail. Number of biggest mipmap levels to skip.|-| r_anisotropy_factorg_additional_water_fov
| float
| 020.250f
| global
| Anistropy factorBy how much increase the horizontal fov used to render the water effect.
| r_vsyncg_adviser
| integer
| 1
| globalprofile| Is vertical synchronization enabled?Adviser mode: 0 = hidden, 1 = shown, 2 = mini mode.
| sys_infog_adviser_auto_parking| stringinteger| No default value1| globalprofile| Stores information about your operating systemEnable/disable auto parking feature.
| vid_nameg_adviser_keep_hidden| stringinteger| No default value0| globalprofile| Stores information about currently used graphics cardKeep adviser in hidden state (do not show any message).
| vid_memg_artist_id| stringinteger| No default value0
| global
| Stores information about video memory of currently used graphics cardArtist specific id.(0-15 range)
| vid_verg_auto_traffic_headlights| stringinteger| No default value1
| global
| Stores information about currently used graphics card driver versionEnable/Disable headlights from automatic traffic.
| t_averaging_window_lengthg_autoload_ignore_autosave
| integer
| 200| globalprofile| Number of the past frames used to calculate the current frame duration.Should auto-loading ignore all autosaves and use only manual saves?
| g_clock_24g_axle_drop_auto
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Use 24 hour clock or 12 hour clock (value Is automatic axle drop enabled?|-| g_bad_weather_factor| float| 0.07| profile| Bad weather factor. Affects probability of rainy weather.|-| g_brake_intensity| float| 1 = 24 hour, value .0 = 12 hour)| profile| Brake intensity modifier.
| g_policeg_brake_light_all
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Is police simulation enabledShow brake light for all brakes (value: 1) or only service, retarder and trailer brake (value: 0)? If set to 0 you will not get any penalties.
| g_fatigueg_cam_blinker
| integer
| 10
| profile
| State of the fatigue simulationIs interior camera movement based on blinker activation enabled.
| g_tutorialg_cam_physics
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Is tutorial interior camera movement based on physics movement of driver enabled?|-| g_cam_physics_value| float| 1.0| profile| Value of interior camera movement based on physics movement of driver.
| g_desktop_tutorialg_cam_steering
| integer
| 10
| profile
| Is desktop tutorial interior camera movement based on steering angle enabled?
| g_adviser[[/g_cam_steering_reverse/]]
| integer
| 1.0| profile| Interior camera movement based on steering angle, behavior on reverse.|-| g_cam_steering_value| float| 1.0
| profile
| Adviser mode: Multiplier for interior camera movement based on steering angle.|-| [[/g_cargo_sort/]]| integer| 0 = hidden, 1 = shown, 2 = mini mode| global| Current cargo sort method.
| g_adviser_keep_hiddeng_city_name_move
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Keep adviser in hidden state (do not show any message)Enable ability to move city names on map.
| g_adviser_auto_parkingg_clock_24
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Enable/disable auto parking feature.Use 24 hour clock or 12 hour clock (value 1 = 24 hour, value 0 = 12 hour)
| g_save_idxg_console
| integer
| 10| profileglobal| Current profile save index. Used for automatic naming of saves.Is console enabled?
| g_desktop_fadeoutg_cruise_control_grid
| float
| 605.0| globalprofile| Delay in seconds before the desktop ui will fade out when left idleDigital cruise control grid step.
| g_bad_weather_factorg_cruise_control_smart
| float
| 0.070
| profile
| Bad weather factor. Affects probability of rainy weatherSmart cruise control window, if you want to disable it set to negative value.
| [[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/g_currency|g_currency]]
| Currency used in game.
| g_income_factorg_cutscenes| floatinteger| 1.0
| profile
| Income factor (minimum is 0Enable/disable cutscenes.|-| g_debug_interior_cam| integer| 0 maximum is 1| global| Enables drawing of the truck geometry even in the interior camera mode.|-| g_debug_map_limits| integer| 0). Multiplies all incomes| global| Enable/Disable the debugging of the map speed limits.
| g_job_distance_limitg_desktop_fadeout
| float
| 60| global| Delay in seconds before the desktop ui will fade out when left idle.| -| g_desktop_tutorial| integer| 1.0
| profile
| Limit generating of the jobs that are in specified range from current player position. Negative value means no limit for generation applied.Is desktop tutorial enabled?|-| g_developer| integer| 0| global| Is developer mode enabled?
| [[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/g_parking_difficulty|g_parking_difficulty]]g_disable_hud_activation
| integer
| 0
| global
| Are specific hud activations disabled?
| g_engine_start_auto
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Parking difficultyIs engine automatic start enabled?
| g_input_configuredg_fahrenheit
| integer
| 0
| profile
| Is input configuredShould game display temperature in fahrenheits (value: 1) or degrees of celsius (value: 0)?
| g_start_in_truckg_fatigue
| integer
| 01
| profile
| If profile has assigned truck should we skip desktop and start in it?State of the fatigue simulation|-| g_flyspeed| float| 100.0| global| Debug camera fly speed
| g_autoload_ignore_autosaveg_force_economy_reset
| integer
| 0
| profile
| Should autoA value of 1 forces an economy reset (generating new job listings).<br>The player should be free-loading ignore all autosaves roaming when issuing the command, and use only manual saves?afterwards entering and exiting the Profile Manager.
| [[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/g_force_load_selector|g_force_load_selector]]
| Forces the appearance of the load slot selector.
| g_global_force_load_selectorg_force_online_lscrs| integer| 0| global| Force online loading screens. If no loading screen is specified in specified category (ferry, eurotunnel, normal) built-in one is showed.|-| g_fps
| integer
| 0
| global
| Forces the appearance of the load slot selector for all profilesDisplay FPS in mini console. (Correct value are: 0, 1)
| g_force_economy_resetg_fuel_simulation
| integer
| 0
| profile
| A value of 1 forces an economy reset (generating new job listings). The player should be free-roaming when issuing the command, and afterwards entering and exiting the Profile Manager.Is realistic fuel consumption enabled?
| g_remove_missing_accessoriesg_gallon
| integer
| 0
| profile
| Remove all acccessories that are no longer available in Should game and replace them with fallback accessories if possible.display volume as gallon (value: 1) or liters (value: 0)?
| g_tooltip_delayg_gfx_advanced| floatinteger| 0.4
| global
| Delay specified in seconds indicating when to show tooltip since hovering the item with tooltipGraphics settings last used (0 = simple, 1 = advanced).
| [[/g_cargo_sort/]]g_gfx_all_scales
| integer
| 0
| global
| Current cargo sort methodEnables selection of all rendering scales in ui even on machines with small virtual memory.|-| g_gfx_quality| integer| -1| global| Quality presets of graphics. Linked directly to quality_level_t enum, with "-1" as "custom" state.
| g_line_sortg_global_force_load_selector
| integer
| 0
| global
| Current line sort criteria Forces the appearance of the load slot selector for jobsall profiles.(Correct value are: 0, 1)
| g_debug_interior_cam[[/g_grass_density/]]
| integer
| 02
| global
| Enables drawing of the truck geometry even in the interior camera modeGrass density setting.
| g_force_online_lscrsg_hardcore_simulation
| integer
| 0
| globalprofile| Force online loading screens. If no loading screen is specified in specified category (ferry, eurotunnel, normal) built-in one is showed.Is air brake simulation enabled?
| g_mm_help_showng_hmd_no_3d_background
| integer
| 0
| globalprofile| Used Disables use of 3d background for indication if its first time when player enters mod manager to show him welcome screenthe menu.
| g_fpsg_hmd_no_artifical_movement
| integer
| 0
| globalprofile| Display FPS in mini consoleDisables artifical angle based movement of the interior.
| g_texture_usage_statsg_hmd_no_special_menu
| integer
| 0
| globalprofile| Print texture usage statistics into Disables use of special variants of menu ui when HMD is enabled.|-| g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement| integer| 1| profile| Reduces the cabin movement by disabling its separate movement on the console?visual level.
| r_device[[/g_hshifter_layout/]]| stringinteger| dx90| globalprofile| Render deviceType of hshifter layout. (correct values: dx9, gl)
| r_pathg_hshifter_layout_shifting| stringinteger| No default value1| globalprofile| Render pathLayout analyzed and used for more realistic shifting sounds.
| r_modeg_hshifter_synchronized| stringinteger| No default value1| globalprofile| Current resolution in format: {screen_width}x{screen_height}x{color_depth}x{refresh_rate}Behaves/sounds like synchronized transmission.
| r_fullscreen[[/g_hud_speed_limit/]]
| integer
| 1
| globalprofile| Is fullscreen enabled?<!--Speed limit state on the adviser.
| r_msaag_ignore_low_fps
| integer
| 0
| global
| Is MSAA enabled? Currently unsupported, will cause graphical issuesEnable/Disable the low frame rate warnings.|-->| g_income_factor| float| 1.0| profile| Income factor (minimum is 0.0 maximum is 1.0). Multiplies all incomes.
| r_no_frame_trackingg_input_configured
| integer
| 0
| globalprofile| Disable frame tracking feature.Is input configured?
| r_minimal_unfinished_framesg_interior_camera_zero_pitch
| integer
| 0
| global
| Simulate bigger queue Is default mouse position ignored in tracking completion framestruck interior? This should be set to 1 when you are using some HMD such like Oculus Rift.|-| g_job_distance_limit| float| -1.0| profile| Limit generating of the jobs that are in specified range from current player position. Negative value means no limit for generation applied.
| [[/r_nv_stereo_mode/]]g_kdop_preview
| integer
| 20
| global
| How to handle NV 3D vision stereo modeEnable/Disable the preview of generated k-DOPs.|-| g_lang| string| en_gb| profile| Language currently used by game.
| r_manual_stereo_in_menug_lang_set
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Is language set manually (1)?
| g_light_distance_factor
| float
| 1.0
| global
| Is use of manual stereo enabled even in menu?Light source fade start distance is multiplied by this value.
| r_manual_stereo_ui_distg_light_span_factor
| float
| 1.0.8
| global
| UI draw plane distance when using stereoLight source fade span is multiplied by this value.
| r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_gameg_line_sort| floatinteger| 0.5
| global
| UI draw plane distance when using stereoCurrent line sort criteria for jobs.
| r_manual_stereo_ui_fovg_lod_factor_parked
| float
| 801.0
| global
| Manual stereo UI field of view when using stereoLOD distances for parked vehicles are multiplied by this factor.
| r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_gameg_lod_factor_pedestrian
| float
| 1001.0
| global
| Manual stereo UI field of view when using stereoLOD distances for pedestrians are multiplied by this factor.
| r_manual_stereo_buffer_scaleg_lod_factor_traffic
| float
| 1.0
| global
| Scale LOD distances for traffic vehicles are multiplied by this factor used when creating stereo buffers.
| r_setup_doneg_menu_aa_limit
| integer
| 08
| global
| Are default graphics settings setup?Number of tiles below which we enable SSAA in the menu scene.
| r_startup_progressg_minicon
| integer
| 0
| global
| Indicates progress of game startup.Is mini console enabled?
| r_nowmig_mm_help_shown
| integer
| 0
| global
| Disable usage of WMI while detecting graphics card memory informationsUsed for indication if its first time when player enters mod manager to show him welcome screen.
| r_deferredg_motor_brake_auto
| integer
| 10| globalprofile| Is deferred rendering automatic usage of engine brake enabled? If set to 0 game uses forward rendering pipeline which disables shadows, lights and all post process effects.
| r_deferred_mirrorsg_mph
| integer
| 10| globalprofile| Use deferred rendering pipeline while rendering mirrors?miles (1) or kilometers (0).
| r_mirror_view_distance[[/g_news/]]| floatinteger| 80.0-1
| global
| View distance of the mirrors.Is online news enabled?
| r_sun_shadow_quality[[/g_online_loading_screens/]]
| integer
| 4-1
| global
| Quality of the sun shadows.Are online loading screens enabled?
| r_sun_shadow_texture_size[[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/g_parking_difficulty|g_parking_difficulty]]
| integer
| 40960| globalprofile| Size of the sun shadow texture. Bigger number = better visuals, smaller fpsParking difficulty
| [[/r_fake_shadows/]]g_pedal_clutch_range| integerfloat| 21.0| globalprofile| Fake shadows stateCluch range.
| r_hdrg_pedestrian
| integer
| 1
| global
| Is HDR enabled?Enable/Disable pedestrian generation.
| r_mlaag_police
| integer
| 1
| globalprofile| Is MLAA police simulation enabled?If set to 0 you will not get any penalties.
| r_mlaa_threshold[[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/g_pounds|g_pounds]]| floatstring| 1.0kg| globalprofile| Edge threshold used for MLAA anti-aliasingSet weight unit
| r_dofg_radio_mode
| integer
| 1
| global
| Is Depth Of Field effect enabled?Radio player mode.
| r_dof_startg_rain_reflect_actor| floatinteger| 200.01
| global
| Starting range of Should we reflect game actor in the Depth Of Fieldrain?
| r_dof_transitiong_rain_reflect_cache| floatinteger| 400.01
| global
| Length of range between minimal and maximal Depth Of Field blur.Should we reflect geometry cache in the rain?
| r_dof_filter_sizeg_rain_reflect_hookups| floatinteger| 0.51
| global
| Size of the Depth Of Field filterShould we reflect hookups associated with segment items (e.g. lamp flares)?
| r_cloud_shadowsg_rain_reflect_traffic
| integer
| 1
| global
| Are cloud shadows enabledShould we reflect traffic in the rain?
| [[/r_color_correctiong_rain_reflection/]]
| integer
| 13
| global
| Color correction stateRain reflection quality.
| r_color_cyan_red[[/g_reflection/]]| floatinteger| 0.03
| global
| Cyan-red factor of the color correction in -1 to 1 rangeReflection detail.
| r_color_magenta_greeng_reg_setting| floatstring| 0.0No default value| globalprofile| Magenta-green factor Name of the color correction in -1 to 1 rangeregional settings unit. By default for ETS2 it's reg_setting.europe for ATS it's reg_setting.usa.
| r_color_yellow_blueg_remove_missing_accessories| floatinteger| 0.0| globalprofile| Yellow-blue factor of the color correction Remove all acccessories that are no longer available in -1 to 1 rangegame and replace them with fallback accessories if possible.
| r_color_saturationg_retarder_auto| floatinteger| 1.0| globalprofile| Color saturation factor 1.0 is neutral.Is automatic usage of retarder enabled?
| r_sunshafts[[/g_save_format/]]
| integer
| 10
| global
| Are sunshafts enabled?Format used to store the game saves.
| r_normal_mapsg_save_idx
| integer
| 1
| globalprofile| Is normal mapping enabled?Current profile save index. Used for automatic naming of saves.
| r_scale_xg_screenshot_on_bug| floatinteger| 1.0
| global
| X-axis rendering scaling factorEnable/Disable automatic generation of screenshots when bug is reported even if the normal combination is used.
| r_scale_yg_show_game_elements| floatinteger| 1.0
| global
| Y-axis rendering scaling factor.Are activation points enabled?
| r_mirror_scale_x| float| 1.0| global| X-axis mirror rendering scaling factor.|-| r_mirror_scale_y| float| 1.0| global| Y-axis mirror rendering scaling factor.|-| [[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/r_deferred_debug|r_deferred_debug]]g_start_in_truck
| integer
| 0
| globalprofile| If value is greater than 0 runs deferred renderer debug.profile has assigned truck should we skip desktop and start in it?
| r_show_light_pixel_coverageg_steam_browser
| integer
| 01
| global
| Show lights debugging helpersShould game use steam build-in browser or user default browser to open external links?
| r_use_depth_boundsg_steam_rich_presence
| integer
| 1
| global
| Should game use depth bounds to speedup rendering of the lightsIs steam rich presence enabled? (Works only on supported hardware)
| r_gamma[[/g_steam_screenshots/]]| floatinteger| 1.02
| global
| Gama correction factor (works only Way in fullscreen mode)which we should handle the screenshots in steam version.
| [[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/r_multimon_mode|r_multimon_mode]]g_steer_autocenter
| integer
| 01| globalprofile| Controls the multi-monitor mode.Is steering wheel autocenter enabled?
| r_multimon_fov_horizontalg_texture_usage_stats| float| 50| global| Horizontal field of view used with multi monitor configuration.|-| r_multimon_fov_vertical| floatinteger
| 0
| global
| Vertical field of view used with multi monitor configuration.Print texture usage statistics into the console?
| r_multimon_border_fov_leftg_throttle_auto_shift| floatinteger
| 0
| globalprofile| Additional angle added to offset between cameras to represent oblast hidden by the monitor borderAutomatic gearbox uses throttle as input for shifting policy.
| r_multimon_border_fov_rightg_tooltip_delay
| float
| 0.4
| global
| Additional angle added Delay specified in seconds indicating when to offset between cameras to represent oblast hidden by show tooltip since hovering the monitor borderitem with tooltip.
| r_multimon_vert_offset_leftg_toy_physics| floatinteger| 01| globalprofile| Additional vertical offset Is simulation of left monitor.toy physics movement enabled?
| r_multimon_vert_offset_rightg_trackir| floatinteger| 01
| global
| Additional vertical offset of right monitorEnable/Disable the TrackIR support.
| r_multimon_rotation_centerg_traffic
| float
| 1.0
| global
| Roll of the center monitorTraffic intensity.*0.0 - traffic disabled*10.0 - maximum traffic intensity
| r_multimon_rotation_leftg_trailer_stability
| float
| 0.5| globalprofile| Roll of the left monitorTrailer stability factor.
| r_multimon_rotation_right[[/g_trans/]]| floatinteger
| 0
| globalprofile| Roll Type of the right monitortransmission.
| r_multimon_rotation_aux[[/g_truck_light_quality/]]| floatinteger| 01
| global
| Roll Quality of result of the auxillary monitorhead light.
| r_multimon_interior_in_maing_truck_light_specular
| integer
| 1
| global
| Should we render interior inside the main viewsEnables/disables use of specular during head light calculation.
| r_multimon_exterior_in_auxg_tutorial
| integer
| 01| globalprofile| Should we render exterior in the auxiliary view.Is tutorial enabled?
| r_segment_buffer_sizeg_use_speed_limiter
| integer
| 1281| globalprofile| Segment buffer size in MBIs speed limiter enabled?
| g_interior_camera_zero_pitchg_veg_detail
| integer
| 02
| global
| Is default mouse position ignored in truck interior? This should be set to Vegetation detail setting. 0 - low, 1 when you are using some HMD such like Oculus Rift.- medium, 2 - high
| r_wireframeg_vehicle_flare_lights
| integer
| 01
| global
| Enables wireframe renderingEnable/Disable lights associated with vehicle flares.<!--|-| i_hmd_min_prediction| float| 0.0| profile| Time interval in seconds used to predict the HMD movement.
| g_hmd_no_artifical_movementi_hmd_max_prediction| integerfloat| 0.1
| profile
| Disables artifical angle based Time interval in seconds used to predict the HMD movement of the interior.
| g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movementi_oculus_eye_height| integerfloat| 10.15
| profile
| Reduces Model of the cabin movement by disabling its separate movement on the visual levelstick based neck and head simulation.
| g_hmd_no_special_menui_oculus_eye_protrusion| integerfloat| 0.09
| profile
| Disables use Model of the stick based neck and head simulation.-->|-| i_virtual_cursor_speed| float| 500.0| global| Speed of special variants movement of menu ui the cursor when HMD is enabledusing a gamepad-like input in pixels per second.<br>Set to zero or negative value to disable use of gamepads and joysticks for cursor movement.
| g_hmd_no_3d_backgroundp_profile_draws
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Disables use of 3d background for the menu.Profile draw calls
| g_langr_anisotropy_factor| stringfloat| en_gb0.25| profileglobal| Language currently used by gameAnistropy factor.
| g_lang_setr_cloud_shadows
| integer
| 1
| profileglobal| Is language set manually (1)Are cloud shadows enabled?
| [[/g_newsr_color_correction/]]
| integer
| 1| global| Color correction state.| -| r_color_cyan_red| float| 0.0| global| Cyan-red factor of the color correction in -1to 1 range.|-| r_color_magenta_green| float| 0.0
| global
| Are online news enabled?Magenta-green factor of the color correction in -1 to 1 range.
| [[/g_online_loading_screens/]]r_color_saturation| integerfloat| -1.0
| global
| Are online loading screens enabled?Color saturation factor 1.0 is neutral.
| g_flyspeedr_color_yellow_blue
| float
| 1000.0
| global
| Debug camera fly speedYellow-blue factor of the color correction in -1 to 1 range.
| g_developerr_deferred
| integer
| 01
| global
| Is developer mode deferred rendering enabled?If set to 0 game uses forward rendering pipeline which disables shadows, lights and all post process effects.
| g_city_name_move[[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/r_deferred_debug|r_deferred_debug]]
| integer
| 0
| global
| Enable ability to move city names on mapIf value is greater than 0 runs deferred renderer debug.
| g_debug_map_limitsr_deferred_mirrors
| integer
| 01
| global
| Enable/Disable the debugging of the map speed limits.Use deferred rendering pipeline while rendering mirrors?
| g_screenshot_on_bugr_device| integerstring| 0dx9
| global
| Enable/Disable automatic generation of screenshots when bug is reported even if the normal combination is usedRender device (correct values: dx9, dx11, gl).
| g_kdop_previewr_dof
| integer
| 01
| global
| Enable/Disable the preview of generated k-DOPs.Is Depth Of Field effect enabled?
| g_trafficr_dof_filter_size
| float
| 10.05
| global
| Traffic intensitySize of the Depth Of Field filter.*0.0 - traffic disabled*10.0 - maximum traffic intensity
| g_lod_factor_trafficr_dof_start
| float
| 1200.0
| global
| LOD distances for traffic vehicles are multiplied by this factor.Starting range of the Depth Of Field
| g_lod_factor_parkedr_dof_transition
| float
| 1400.0
| global
| LOD distances for parked vehicles are multiplied by this factorLength of range between minimal and maximal Depth Of Field blur.
| g_auto_traffic_headlights[[/r_fake_shadows/]]
| integer
| 12
| global
| Enable/Disable headlights from automatic trafficFake shadows state.
| g_vehicle_flare_lightsr_fullscreen
| integer
| 1
| global
| Enable/Disable lights associated with vehicle flares.Is fullscreen enabled?
| g_light_distance_factorr_gamma
| float
| 1.0
| global
| Light source fade start distance is multiplied by this value.Gamma correction factor (works only in fullscreen mode)
| g_light_span_factor| float| 1.0| global| Light source fade span is multiplied by this value.|-| g_pedestrianr_hdr
| integer
| 1
| global
| Enable/Disable pedestrian generation.Is HDR enabled?
| g_lod_factor_pedestrianr_manual_stereo_buffer_scale
| float
| 1.0
| global
| LOD distances for pedestrians are multiplied by this Scale factorused when creating stereo buffers.
| g_trackirr_manual_stereo_in_menu
| integer
| 1
| global
| Enable/Disable the TrackIR supportIs use of manual stereo enabled even in menu?|-| r_manual_stereo_ui_dist| float| 0.8| global| UI draw plane distance when using stereo.
| g_veg_detailr_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game| integerfloat| 20.5
| global
| Vegetation detail settingUI draw plane distance when using stereo. 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high
| [[/g_grass_density/]]r_manual_stereo_ui_fov| integerfloat| 280
| global
| Grass density settingManual stereo UI field of view when using stereo.
| [[/g_reflection/]]r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game| integerfloat| 3100
| global
| Reflection detailManual stereo UI field of view when using stereo.
| [[/g_rain_reflection/]]r_minimal_unfinished_frames
| integer
| 30
| global
| Rain reflection qualitySimulate bigger queue in tracking completion frames.
| g_rain_reflect_cacher_mirror_scale_x| integerfloat| 1.0
| global
| Should we reflect geometry cache in the rain?X-axis mirror rendering scaling factor.
| g_rain_reflect_trafficr_mirror_scale_y| integerfloat| 1.0
| global
| Should we reflect traffic in the rain?Y-axis mirror rendering scaling factor.
| g_rain_reflect_actorr_mirror_view_distance| integerfloat| 180.0
| global
| Should we reflect game actor in View distance of the rain?mirrors.
| g_rain_reflect_hookupsr_mlaa
| integer
| 1
| global
| Should we reflect hookups associated with segment items (e.g. lamp flares)Is MLAA enabled?
| g_additional_water_fovr_mlaa_threshold
| float
| 201.0f0
| global
| By how much increase the horizontal fov Edge threshold used to render the water effect.for MLAA anti-aliasing
| g_menu_aa_limitr_mode| integerstring| 8No default value
| global
| Number of tiles below which we enable SSAA Current resolution in the menu scene.format: {screen_width}x{screen_height}x{color_depth}x{refresh_rate}<!--
| g_truck_light_specularr_msaa
| integer
| 10
| global
| Enables/disables use of specular during head light calculationIs MSAA enabled? Currently unsupported, will cause graphical issues.-->
| g_gfx_qualityr_multimon_border_fov_left| integerfloat| -10
| global
| Quality presets of graphics. Linked directly Additional angle added to quality_level_t enum, with "-1" as "custom" stateoffset between cameras to represent oblast hidden by the monitor border.
| g_gfx_advancedr_multimon_border_fov_right| integerfloat
| 0
| global
| Graphics settings last used (0 = simple, 1 = advanced)Additional angle added to offset between cameras to represent oblast hidden by the monitor border.
| g_gfx_all_scalesr_multimon_exterior_in_aux
| integer
| 0
| global
| Enables selection of all rendering scales Should we render exterior in ui even on machines with small virtual memorythe auxiliary view.
| [[/g_truck_light_quality/]]r_multimon_fov_horizontal| integerfloat| 150
| global
| Quality Horizontal field of result of the head lightview used with multi monitor configuration.
| g_ignore_low_fpsr_multimon_fov_vertical| integerfloat
| 0
| global
| Enable/Disable the low frame rate warningsVertical field of view used with multi monitor configuration.
| g_cutscenesr_multimon_interior_in_main
| integer
| 1
| profileglobal| Enable/disable cutscenesShould we render interior inside the main views.
| g_radio_mode[[Documentation/Engine/Config_variables/r_multimon_mode|r_multimon_mode]]
| integer
| 10
| global
| Radio player Controls the multi-monitor mode.
| [[/g_trans/]]r_multimon_rotation_aux| integerfloat
| 0
| profileglobal| Type Roll of transmissionthe auxillary monitor.
| [[/g_hshifter_layout/]]r_multimon_rotation_center| integerfloat
| 0
| profileglobal| Type Roll of hshifter layoutthe center monitor.
| g_hshifter_layout_shiftingr_multimon_rotation_left| integerfloat| 10| profileglobal| Layout analyzed and used for more realistic shifting soundsRoll of the left monitor.
| g_hshifter_synchronizedr_multimon_rotation_right| integerfloat| 10| profileglobal| Behaves/sounds like synchonized transmissionRoll of the right monitor.
| g_steer_autocenter| integer| 1| profile| Is steering wheel autocenter enabled?|-| g_brake_intensityr_multimon_vert_offset_left
| float
| 1.0| profileglobal| Brake intensity modifierAdditional vertical offset of left monitor.
| g_trailer_stabilityr_multimon_vert_offset_right
| float
| 0.5
| profile
| Trailer stability factor.
| g_retarder_auto
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Is automatic usage Additional vertical offset of retarder enabled?right monitor.
| g_motor_brake_autor_no_frame_tracking
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Is automatic usage of engine brake enabled?Disable frame tracking feature.
| g_engine_start_autor_normal_maps
| integer
| 1
| profileglobal| Is engine automatic start normal mapping enabled?
| g_axle_drop_auto| integer| 1| profile| Is automatic axle drop enabled?|-| [[/g_hud_speed_limit/]]| integer| 1| profile| Speed limit state on the adviser.|-| g_use_speed_limiter| integer| 1| profile| Is speed limiter enabled?|-| g_brake_light_all| integer| 1| profile| Show brake light for all brakes (value: 1) or only servuce, retarder and trailer brake (value: 0)?|-| g_mphr_nowmi
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Use miles (1) or kilometers (0)Disable usage of WMI while detecting graphics card memory informations.
| [[Documentation/Enginer_nv_stereo_mode/Config_variables/g_pounds|g_pounds]]| string| kg| profile| Set weight unit|-| g_fahrenheit
| integer
| 02| profileglobal| Should game display temperature in fahrenheits (value: 1) or degrees of celsius (value: 0)?How to handle NV 3D vision stereo mode.
| g_gallon| integer| 0| profile| Should game display volume as gallon (value: 1) or liters (value: 0)?|-| g_reg_settingr_path
| string
| No default value
| profileglobal| Name of the regional settings unit. By default for ETS2 it's reg_setting.europe for ATS it's reg_setting.usaRender path.
| g_hardcore_simulationr_scale_x| integerfloat| 1.0| profileglobal| Is air brake simulation enabled?X-axis rendering scaling factor.
| g_fuel_simulation| integer| 0| profile| Is realistic fuel consumption enabled?|-| g_pedal_clutch_ranger_scale_y
| float
| 1.0
| profileglobal| Cluch rangeY-axis rendering scaling factor.|-| r_segment_buffer_size| integer| 128| global| Segment buffer size in MB
| g_throttle_auto_shiftr_setup_done
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Automatic gearbox uses throttle as input for shifting policy.Are default graphics settings setup?
| g_cruise_control_grid| float| 5.0| profile| Digital cruise control grid step.|-| g_cruise_control_smart| float| 0.0| profile| Smart cruise control window, if you want to disable it set to negative value.|-| g_cam_steeringr_show_light_pixel_coverage
| integer
| 0
| profileglobal| Is interior camera movement based on steering angle enabledShow lights debugging helpers?
| g_cam_steering_value| float| 1.0| profile| Multiplier for interior camera movement based on steering angle.|-| [[/g_cam_steering_reverse/]]r_startup_progress
| integer
| 1.0| profileglobal| Interior camera movement based on steering angle, behavior on reverseIndicates progress of game startup.
| g_cam_physicsr_sun_shadow_quality
| integer
| 14| profileglobal| Is interior camera movement based on physics movement Quality of driver enabled?the sun shadows.
| g_cam_physics_value| float| 1.0| profile| Value of interior camera movement based on physics movement of driver.|-| g_cam_blinkerr_sun_shadow_texture_size
| integer
| 04096| profileglobal| Is interior camera movement based on blinker activation enabledSize of the sun shadow texture.Bigger number = better visuals, smaller fps
| g_toy_physicsr_sunshafts
| integer
| 1
| profileglobal| Is simulation of toy physics movement Are sunshafts enabled?
| [[/g_save_format/]]r_texture_detail
| integer
| 0
| global
| Format used Texture detail. Number of biggest mipmap levels to store the game savesskip.
| s_reverse_enabledr_use_depth_bounds
| integer
| 1
| profileglobal| Is reverse sound enabledShould game use depth bounds to speedup rendering of the lights?(Works only on supported hardware)
| s_rumble_enabledr_vsync
| integer
| 1
| profileglobal| Is rumble sound vertical synchronization enabled?
| s_music_enabledr_wireframe
| integer
| 10| profileglobal| Is music enabled?|-| s_sfx_enabled| integer| 1| profile| Is sfx enabled?Enables wireframe rendering.
| s_air_noise
| profile
| Sound of air at high speed.
| s_wheel_noise
| float
| 1.0
| profile
| Sound of wheels at high speed.
| s_interior_volume
| profile
| Master volume.
| s_music_enabled
| integer
| 1
| profile
| Is music enabled?
| s_music_volume
| Radio volume.
| s_sfx_volumes_reverse_enabled| floatinteger| 1.0
| profile
| SFX volume.Is reverse sound enabled?
| s_reverse_stereo
| Is stereo reversed?
| i_virtual_cursor_speed| float| 500.0| global| Speed of movement of the cursor when using a gamepad-like input in pixels per second. Set to zero or negative value to disable use of gamepads and joysticks for cursor movement.|-| g_artist_id| integer| 0| global| Artist specific id. (0-15 range)|-| [[/g_steam_screenshots/]]| integer| 2| global| Way in which we should handle the screenshots in steam version.|-| g_steam_browsers_rumble_enabled
| integer
| 1
| globalprofile| Should game use steam build-in browser or user default browser to open external linksIs rumble sound enabled?
| g_steam_rich_presence| integer| 1| global| Is steam rich presence enabled?|-| g_show_game_elementss_sfx_enabled
| integer
| 1
| global
| Are activation points enabled?
| g_disable_hud_activation
| integer
| 0
| global
| Are specific hud activations disabled?
| i_hmd_min_prediction
| float
| 0.0
| profile
| Time interval in seconds used to predict the HMD movement.Is sfx enabled?
| i_hmd_max_predictions_sfx_volume
| float
| 1.0.1
| profile
| Time interval in seconds used to predict the HMD movementSFX volume.
| i_oculus_eye_heights_wheel_noise
| float
| 1.0.15
| profile
| Model Sound of the stick based neck and head simulationwheels at high speed.
| i_oculus_eye_protrusionsys_info| floatstring| 0.09No default value| profileglobal| Model of the stick based neck and head simulation.-->Stores information about your operating system
| p_profile_drawst_averaging_window_length
| integer
| 020| global| Number of the past frames used to calculate the current frame duration.|-| vid_mem| string| No default value
| global
| Profile draw callsStores information about video memory of currently used graphics card.
| g_miniconvid_name| integerstring| 0No default value
| global
| Is mini console enabled?Stores information about currently used graphics card.
| g_consolevid_ver| integerstring| 0No default value
| global
| Is console enabled?Stores information about currently used graphics card driver version.