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Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory chassis data

610 bytes added, 22:20, 5 November 2019
Attributes: Added nominal_voltage for 1.36
|"/sound/truck/trailer_brace_up.ogg"|''For trailer usage only.'' Path to the sound to be played when retracting landing gear.''Default value changed to blank (no sound) in 1.35.''
|"/sound/truck/trailer_brace_down.ogg"|''For trailer usage only.'' Path to the sound to be played when extending landing gear.''Default value changed to blank (no sound) in 1.35.''
|Nominal air brake reservoir pressure in bar. ''Added in ETS2 1.27/ATS 1.6.''
|Nominal battery voltage. ''Added in 1.36''
*spreader (removes the pitch degree of freedom, typical of a spreader/booster/stinger on a lowboy configuration)
''Added in ATS 1.6.2''
|Lowest cargo mass at which to offset the center of gravity. ''Added in 1.35.''
|Highest cargo mass at which to offset the center of gravity. ''Added in 1.35.''
|Distance to offset the center of gravity at '''cog_cargo_mass_min'''. ''Added in 1.35.''
|Distance to offset the center of gravity at '''cog_cargo_mass_max'''. ''Added in 1.35.''