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Documentation/Engine/Game data

245 bytes added, 13:01, 8 March 2016
Cargo definitions
This folder contains all cargoes definitions that player can transport in the game.
Unique cargo is defined by SII file and folder with having one or more SII files defining trailers which can carry this cargo. So for each cargo you have one SII file inside "'''/def/cargo/'''" and one or multiple SII files inside folder "'''/def/cargo/<cargo_name>/'''". Example definition for cargo: "'''<cargo_name>'''" is shown in the tree below.
<div class="folder_structure">
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=<cargo_namecargo_name_1>}} ''Folder defining trailers that can carry cargo defined in "<cargo_name>.sii" file.'' ├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|}} ''Defines trailer that can carry this cargo. SII file is named by trailer SiiUnit name'' └{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=...}} ''More definitions for different trailers carrying this cargo.'' ├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=<cargo_name_2>}} └{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=...}} ├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=...}} ''Rest of cargo trailer definition folders.'' ├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=<cargo_namecargo_name_1>.sii}} ''Defining one cargo data.'' ├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=<cargo_name_2>.sii}} └{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=...}} ''Rest of unique cargo definitions.''