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Documentation/Engine/Game data

294 bytes added, 13:05, 3 March 2016
Root game folder
<div class="folder_structure">
├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=automat}} - the material storage for materials which are convertedwith generated material files got during conversion of 3D model assets with conversion tools. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=contentbrowser}}- folder used by Map Editor content browser. ├─ {{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-Folder|type=FST-ReadOnly|name=custom}} - historical legacy folder where the custom/modded definitions were stored - no longer used(NOTE: This folder is deprecated and might be removed in the future). ├─ [[/def/]] - folder storing definitions for most of the configurable game content like: game world, game objects, environment vehicles, economy etc.See more at: [[{{FULLPAGENAME}}#Definitions structure|Definitions structure]]
├─ animatedmodel
├─ camera