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Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/SCS Tools in Tool Shelf

2,846 bytes added, 12:49, 5 February 2016
Created page with "Out tool shelf consist of set of tools which can be used at the current visible objects in 3D viewport. File:SCS_Tools_Shelf.png == Tool Shelf == === Add Root === Crea..."
Out tool shelf consist of set of tools which can be used at the current visible objects in 3D viewport.


== Tool Shelf ==

=== Add Root ===

Creates a new SCS Root Object. If there is any selection, it will automatically set these objects for SCS Game Object content by parenting it to the SCS Root Object.

=== Add Root (with name request) ===

Creates a new SCS Root Object. User can specify a name for the Root object in a window, that will appear. If there is any selection, it will automatically set these objects for SCS Game Object content by parenting it to the SCS Root Object.

== Convex ==

=== Make Convex ===

Makes a new object from selected Model objects. This new object is always convex and can be used as a base for convex colliders.

=== Convert to Locator ===

Converts selected objects into a new Collider Locator. There are additional choices for deleting of source object(s) – Delete Original Geometry, and for creating a single Locator or multiple Locators from every selected object – Individual Objects.

=== Convert to Mesh ===

Converts selected Collision Locator(s) into editable Model (Mesh) object(s).

== Visibility Tools ==

Visibility tools consists of sub-panel for viewing objects by type and three additional visibility operators.

=== Switching by type ===


First table alters visibility of Model and Locators objects. Second table is used only for Prefab Locators.

=== Global vs. SCS Root ===

This option switches scope of visibility operators in this sub-panel. When using '''''Global''''' operators will be applied among all of the objects in current scene, in the case of '''''SCS Root''''' only the objects within current SCS Game Object will be altered.

=== Current SCS Root ===

Additional operators for switching visibility of objects within the SCS Game Object of active object:

* '''''Invert Visibility''''' - inverts visibility of all objects.
* '''''View All''''' - shows all objects.
* '''''Isolate''''' - show all objects within SCS Game Object of active object and hide all other objects in scene.

== Display Methods ==

=== Glass Objects ===

* '''''Wires / Textured''''' - two operators for quick setting of the drawing type for all Glass objects in the scene.

=== Shadow Casters ===

* '''''Wires / Textured''''' - two operators for quick setting of the drawing type for all Shadow caster objects in the scene.

=== Collision Locators ===

* '''''All Wires / No Wires''''' - operators to quickly turn ON or OFF all the wires in all Collision Locators in the scene.
* '''''All Faces / No Faces''''' - operators to quickly turn ON or OFF all the faces in all Collision Locators in the scene.

== Lamp Switcher and Lamp UV Tool ==

Tools shelf also include lamp tools which are described in [[Lamp Tools]] section.