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Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.49

1,329 bytes added, 11 February
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= Changes & New Features =
== Damage sytem system ==
New damage system ...
== Game Data ==
=== Damage Data ===
Aside of from regular damage, that can be fixed as before, there was are newly introduced new damage that cant can't be easily fixed (in game UI named as "wear", generally). You can remove it only by vehicle part replacement.
In data, new values was were introduced, mainly the "unfixable" ones. Currently there is both a "damage " and unfixable damage "unfixable_damage" stat for each damageable part (dealt by collision), similarly "wear " and unfixable wear "unfixable_wear" (dealt by distance). Equivalent set is there for trailers. Also there is attribute <code>odometer_wear_unfixable</code> , a multiplier that translates distance driven from last total restoration into percent displayed.
List of unfixable damage attributes, defining damage ratio from collision:
== Vehicle Data ==
=== Dashboard Display IDs ===
New Dashboard UI scripts got new support for the '''ui_text_bar''' component which replaces old combination of 2 '''ui::text''' elements which were used to simulate bars. Primary reason for this change is to support multiple bars for the same ID. So now one only define one '''ui_text_bar''' element which has all the bar data as attributes: "* '''vertical''' | ''boolean'' - boolean value deciding if text element size should be modified vertically (from bottom to top) or horizontally (from left to right)* '''min_size''' | ''integer'' - size of the bar when minimum value is hit* '''max_size''' | ''integer'' - size of the bar when maximum value is hit* '''min_value''' | ''float'' - value at which this bar presents minimum size* '''max_value''' | ''float'' - value at which this bar presents maximum size Example element: ui_text_bar: _nameless.def_bar { vertical: false min_size: 0 max_size: 239 min_value: 0 max_value: 1 text: " <img src=/material/ui/white.mat xscale=stretch height=9px color=FFD2D2C4><ret><align vstyle=bottom><img src=/material/ui/white.mat xscale=stretch height=3px color=FFB6B5AB></align>" coords_l: 0 coords_r: 239 coords_t: 23 coords_b: 14 area_l: 1 area_r: 0 area_t: 0 area_b: 1 id: 1140 layer: 2 tab: -1 pointer: -1 my_parent: _nameless._.sharedisplay }
=== Used trucks ===
New folders ...