== Cargo generator Game data == * Added '''blinker_auto_off_trigger''' attribute defining angle below which blinker auto disable is performed previously. == Economy data == * Added '''cargo_damage_cost''' attribute defining how much money player has to pay to for 1% of the damage.* Added '''cargo_damage_cost_factor''' attribute defining factor damage penalty is multiplied with every 1% of the damage.* Added '''exp_park_load_bonus''' attribute defining how big XP bonus player gets for parking trailer during loading of the job.* Added '''revenue_per_km_base''' attribute defining base revenue per km for the ai drivers (has to be proportional to regular cargo fees).* Added '''revenue_coef_per_km''' attribute defining salary coefficient per km for the freight market and online jobs.* Added '''cargo_market_revenue_coef_per_km''' attribute defining salary coefficient per km for the cargo market jobs.* Added '''driver_revenue_coef_per_km''' attribute defining salary coefficient for ai drivers and players quick jobs.* Added '''driver_cargo_market_revenue_coef_per_km''' attribute defining salary coefficient for ai drivers cargo market jobs. * Removed '''revenue_per_km'''.* Removed '''driver_revenue_per_km'''.* Removed '''trailer_damage_cost'''.* Removed '''trailer_damage_cost_factor'''.* Removed '''brands''', game will now collect truck and trailer brands on startup from <code>/def/vehicle/truck_dealer</code> and <code>/def/vehicle/trailer_dealer</code> directories. Each directory inside that can be interpreted as token is a new brand. == Country data == Country data has a new attribute called '''mass_limit_per_axle_count'''. It defines GVW (gross vehicle weight) - maximum allowed mass limit (in kilograms, kg) of the whole vehicle set (truck + trailer(s) + cargo) with the given amount of axles (total truck + trailer(s)) in the the country. Empty array impose no limit. The first element is describing mass limit for vehicle with 2 axles, second for 3 axles etc. If vehicle has more axles than defined last entry will be used as limit. <pre>country_data: country.data.uk{ # [...] mass_limit_per_axle_count[]: 18000 # 2-axle vehicle mass_limit_per_axle_count[]: 26000 # 3-axle vehicle mass_limit_per_axle_count[]: 38000 # 4-axle vehicle mass_limit_per_axle_count[]: 40000 # 5-axle vehicle mass_limit_per_axle_count[]: 44000 # 6 and more-axle vehicle}</pre> == Rewritten economy system ==
The whole cargo generator was dramatically changed since previous versions:
=== Cargo data ===
Attributes '''price_coef''' (float), '''mass''' (float array, per trailer) and '''cog_height_offset''' (float array, per trailer) has been. Attribute array '''trailers''' remain only for compatibility of some cargoes.
=== Trailer def ===
Structure '''trailer_def''' was greatly improved and redesigned as its core of the economy. Old system with list of trailers for given cargo is used for remaining old trailers only (using cargo folder placement with filled '''trailer''' link and fake underscored trailer '''body_type'''s).
That said one can still use custom token for body type, but do not forget to define new cargo data for it. In the future updates, however, predefined list will most probably grow with new set of body types.
== Vehicles data ==