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|Path to the model descriptor (.pmd) for the model to be displayed in the exterior view for leftright-hand drive vehicles (if applicable). If unset, defaults to '''exterior_model'''.
|Path to the model descriptor (.pmd) for the model to be displayed in the interior view for leftright-hand drive vehicles (if applicable). If unset, defaults to '''interior_model'''.
|Each member points to a [[Documentation/Engine/Units/physics_trailer_cable_datatrailer_cable_data|physics_trailer_cable_datatrailer_cable_data]] unit
A valid trailer cables accessory model must have the following:
*Some visible geometry (models cannot contain only locators)
*Attachment locators for each member defined in the ''cables'' array, where the truck plug model will be placed. The locator names are defined by each '''physics_trailer_cable_datatrailer_cable_data''' unit's ''locator_prefix'' attribute.
It may additionally make use of the following:
*Rest locators for each defined cable where the trailer plug model will be placed when there is no trailer connected (otherwise the cable will not be drawn/simulated when there is no trailer connected). The locator names are defined by each '''physics_trailer_cable_datatrailer_cable_data''' unit's ''rest_locator_prefix'' attribute.
*Special part names are displayed only during particular states:
**<code>cables_off</code> is displayed only when no trailer is attached
**<code>cables_on</code> is displayed only when a trailer is attached