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< Documentation‎ | Engine‎ | Sound
Revision as of 10:06, 21 October 2021 by Lubos.scs (talk | contribs) (Sound examples)


We would like to public sound samples here.
The sound system of the games is still in the work in progress state.

Please be careful to select correct FMOD Studio version and sound samples for your mods.
Here could be the samples which are used for the future game versions. Never use them for the mods which target is current public version of the game.


FMOD® version

Game version FMOD version Remark
1.43 (beta) 2.??.?? Warning: Not public game version!
1.39 2.01.05
1.38 2.01.01
1.37 2.00.07

Master Bank Template

Master Bank is primary sound bank of the sound system.
Current template should be used to create new sound bank project which can be used in the game moddes.
See Modding sounds

Template Game version FMOD version Remark
fmod_template_sound_project_139_01 1.39 (beta) 2.01.05
fmod_template_sound_project_138 1.38 2.01.01
fmod_template_sound_project_137 1.37 2.00.07

Sound examples

This sounds examples demonstrate techniques to create specific sounds, loops and parameter usage.
Never use this samples directly to create sound bank for your mod!

Good technique is:
1) create valid your sound bank project from the template
2) copy events from sample project to your project (by FMOD Studio)

Example Game version FMOD version Description
Engine - Peterbilt 579 1.42 2.01.05 Including the remote engine sound example.
World sounds example 1.40 2.01.05
Truck sounds example 1.39 2.01.05
Engine - Peterbilt 579 (beta) 1.39 (beta) 2.01.05
Engine - Peterbilt 579 1.38 2.01.01
Engine - Peterbilt 579 1.37 2.00.07