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Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.27

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Revision as of 16:55, 27 February 2017 by Max (talk | contribs)



Truck Accessory Data

There is new rule overrides[] added. Its values are file names and it is non-lazy version of defaults[]. This means whenever this rule is used adding accessory also adds all override accessories regardless of presence of same type accessory (old ones are discarded). Typical use case is engine that takes engine badge or sound with itself. Forcing the change simplifies other rules as now engine badges or sounds do not need suitable rule on their sides which removes unwanted cross links between accessories. Use carefully as any forced change can loop easily with incorrect data.

Engine Data

Part of engine simulation improvement is specifying inner engine resistance. It is defined by resistance_torque attributes that defines resistance in Nm that is measured at 2000 rpm (arbitrary value). It is mainly linked with size of engine so if you set it to negative value it is defaulted from engine volume (it is near volume * 20.0).

Default value for engine_brake_positions was changed to 3. Hold button logic works same as before, but now players could use partial engine brake usage as is present in most current trucks.

Chassis Data

New attribute air_tank_pressure now defines nominal pressure truck wants to keep in air tanks. Default value is 10 bars.

Interior Data

With more exact simulation of air pressure we unified animation API. All animation now expect values in bars. To prevent misunderstanding they were also renamed (with their _max and _min values): oil_psi_anim to oil_pressure_anim, air_psi_anim to air_pressure_anim, button_low_air_psi to indicator_low_air_pressure, button_low_oil_psi to indicator_low_oil_pressure.

In addition animation brake_psi_anim was renamed to brake_pressure_anim, and is not in range 0-1 of brake limit anymore, it uses bars like all other pressure animations instead.

There was also added many new animations differential_lock_stick_anim and indicator_differential_lock for new differential lock feature, indicator_weigh_green and indicator_weigh_red for weight pass LEDs model, and indicator_trailer_axle_lift for liftable axles on trailer.

Default value for clock_small_anim_max was changed to 24 as it is logic the code worked with always.


coin.oggsound is now loaded later and thus can be modded.

Retarder sounds in ETS2 were differentiated and thus their data has been moved from common sound section to trucks. Sound mods may need updates.