Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.51

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Revision as of 13:43, 6 September 2024 by FilipBartos (talk | contribs) (Changes & New Features)

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The following page contains modding guidelines for the new update of the game.

To better understand changes in units it is recommended to check Units documentation page.


  • When basing your model on the original ones, add to your mod also ALL original /automat/ files used by it. The names of the files are generated as CityHash64 hash of theirs content so whenever we change the parameters of the material in any way, a different file will be used to store them and the original file might cease to exist if there is no other model utilizing the original parameters.
  • When modifying original models, always include ALL components of the model (pmg+pmd) instead of just those you changed. Otherwise you risk crash if we change the model.
  • As always when adding new objects to files which support multi-file approach (e.g. road_look.sii) it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use suffix or prefix in the name to avoid conflicts with new objects we are adding in patches. Otherwise you might have to use the batch renaming functionality (see Batch renaming) to fix the conflicts when new patch appears.

How to convert map

  • Load map
  • Do rebuild (F8)
  • Save map

Changes & New Features

Game Data

Map Data

Map area item

Before Map area items only supported 4 colors which were hardcoded in the game. As of this version they were moved to map_data.sii. If your mod modifies map_data.sii make sure to update it so that it includes the 4 base colors.

To add a new color add these 3 variables to the file after the colors the base game uses:

map_area_color_name[]: "DisplayNameOfMyColor"
map_area_color[]: 0xFF707070
map_area_discovered_color[]: 0xFF20bcff

map_area_color_name is only used in-editor.

map_area_color is the color you see when the item hasn't been discovered yet.

map_area_discovered_color is the color you see once you have discovered the item.

The colors are specified as 0xFFBBGGRR where FF can be any value, BB is the blue channel, GG is the green channel, RR is the red channel all being hexadecimal.

If there is a mismatch of map_area_* entries or the color index the game is looking for doesn't exist the game defaults to pure white.

Do not reorder or delete any existing colors as the order they are specified in is used to identify them!


Vehicle Data