Open main menu


Element IDs (mostly ui::text_common type):
* 1660 - close blind spot indicator (side depends on <code>left_hand_traffic</code> interior data attribute), can be any element that can show/hide (shown when obstacle is detected on left side of the vehicle)
* 1670 - far blind spot indicator (side depends on <code>left_hand_traffic</code> interior data attribute), can be any element that can show/hide (shown when obstacle is detected on right side of the vehicle)
* 1680 - trip recuperation (energy returned)
* 1690 - ui_text_bar for power consumption, the text is cut according to current value (specific behavior based on Renaut E-Tech)
* 1700 - ui_text_bar for rpm, the text is cut according to current value
{{Note|In 1.49 text bars were changed to ui_text_bar element. No additional data is needed now, all is kept in regular members (vertical, min_size, max_size, min_value, max_value).
Old system (pre 1.49) used secondary text fields. Data for bars were entered in format "H~~0~~130", H means the bar is horizontal (or V for vertical), leftmost position represents value 0, rightmost position represents value 130. Empty text defaults to "H~~0~~1".}}