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Documentation/Engine/Game data

236 bytes added, 07:48, 8 March 2016
Company definitions
=== Company definitions ===
Companies are entry and exit places on map for player missions (e.g. trailer delivery). So when defining new company make sure to include it in company storage file "'''/def/company(.infix).sii'''" otherwise company won't appear in the game.
<div class="folder_structure">
└{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=out}} ''Folder containing SII files for cargoes this company is shipping out.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFolder|type=|name=...}} ''Rest of the folders defining other companies: editor, in and out data.''
├{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=<company_name>.sii}} ''File defining company data: name, trailer look and sounds.''
└{{FileSystemTreeEntry|icon=FST-IconFileSii|type=|name=...}} ''Rest of companies definitions.''