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Documentation/Engine/Game data

459 bytes added, 15:40, 2 March 2016
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Root game folder consists of:
<div stlye="color: black; background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 1em; white-space: pre-wrap;">├─ [[/automat/]]- the storage for materials which are converted.
├─ contentbrowser
├─ custom
├─ def- definitions of the game data.├─ dlc- do we have this in final builds???├─ effect- set of the graphical effects (shaders)├─ font- fonts used by game.├─ map- map data.├─ material- materials used by UI and the objects (there you put materials before conversion???).├─ model- storage for models.├─ model2- storage for models. (describe diference) ├─ prefab- storage for prefabs.├─ prefab2- storage for prefabs. (describe difference prefab<>prefab2)
├─ road_template
├─ sound- sounds used by game.├─ system- ├─ ui- ui dialogs and windows definitions.├─ uilab- (not sure if we ship this folder)├─ unit- ├─ vehicle- vehicle related files.├─ video- video based animated textures.
├─ autoexec.cfg - configuration file which is automatically exectued on game startup
└─ version.txt - TXT file containing game version string