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5 bytes added, 21:12, 23 November 2022
Sound definition
== Sound definition ==
A common sound in game is the '''Event''' in the FMOD Studio project. Each object (bank, bus, event, parameter, etc.) used by the FMOD system has a unique identifier - '''GUID'''.<br>
(''GUID is something like this: {1315eda7-1829-4dd8-9d1a-176f65637ab2}'')
The game uses two ways to define usage of sound object:
# Direct 'sound id':<br>"Sound id" is string in format "[bank filename]#[event name]". Where [bank filename] is file of the bank relative to the game "base" folder and [event name] is name of the event in the FMOD Studio project.<br>Example: ''"/sound/ui/"''
# Sound reference file:<br>Sound reference file is used as link for the sound specification. It uses a simple path to the soundref file (e.g. ''"/sound/ui/ui_click.soundref"'').
== Sound reference file ==

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