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Documentation/Tools/Conversion Tools

2,178 bytes added, 3 June
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= What Conversion tools are Converion Tools and when a set of binaries used to use them =convert mid-format files to binary format files which are used by the game.
Conversion tools are set of binaries used to convert mid-format files to binary format files which are used by the game.<br /><br />In general you should convert your whole mod file system structure for in game usage using this tools including:<br />
any 3D assets exported with SCS Blender Tools, any definition files, sound files, map files etc.
= Download & Installation =
# === Download conversion tools for the game you want to create mod=== * '''[ LINK (v2.18)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.50+''') & ATS ('''1.50+''') - with prefab v24* '''[ LINK (v2.17)]''' - '''BETA''' - ETS2 ('''1.50+''') & ATS ('''1.50+''')* '''[ LINK (v2.15)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.49+''') & ATS ('''1.49+''')* '''[ LINK (v2.14)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.47+''') & ATS ('''1.47+''')* '''[ LINK (v2.13)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.44+''') & ATS ('''1.44+''')* '''[ LINK (v2.12)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.37 - 1.43''') & ATS ('''1.37 - 1.43''')* '''[ LINK (v2.10)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.36''') & ATS ('''1.36''')* '''[ LINK (v2.9)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.36''') & ATS ('''1.36''')* '''[https: // LINK (v2.8)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.35''') & ATS ('''1.35''')#* Euro Truck Simulator 2'''[https: // LINK (v2.7)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.32''') & ATS ('''1.32''')* '''[http LINK(v2.6)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.31''') & ATS ('''1.31''')#* American Truck Simulator'''[https: // LINK (v2.5)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.30''') & ATS ('''1.29''')* '''[http LINK (v2.4)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.27 - 1.28''') & ATS ('''1.6 - 1.28''')* '''[ LINK(v1.8)]''' - ETS2 ('''1.27 and below''') & ATS ('''1.5 and below''') {{Note|Old conversion tools compatible with ETS2 (up to '''v1.26'''), ATS (up to '''v1.5''') also require older SCS Blender Tools versions up to '''v1.6'''.}} === Install === # To install conversion tools binaries simply extract the ZIP package into a folder somewhere on the PC where it can be found and '''read-write access is granted'''.
= Usage =
# '''''Use conversion tools from Blender'''''
#* First make sure you installed SCS Blender Tools. See: [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Installation]]#* Navigate to ''Conversion Helper '' panel in Scene ''Output'' properties tab.#* Set &quot;''Conversion Tools Path&quot; pointing '' to point to the extracted conversion tools folder (the same folder as this readme file is in).#* Now conversion tools will be used when you will use operators of conversion helper (for more info see: [[Documentation/Tools/SCS Blender Tools/Conversion Helper]]).
# '''''Use binaries directly (for advanced users)'''''
#: Direct usage of conversion tools is done from command line with execution of &quot;conversion_tools/convert.cmd&quot; script. Running this script will take any mid-format resources founded in &quot;conversion_tools/base&quot; folder, correctly convert them into binary format files and place them into &quot;conversion_tools/rsrc&quot; folder.
#: After completed conversion all the content will be in inside &quot;conversion_tools/rsrc/base/@cache&quot;. To create a mod you can ZIP &quot;conversion_tools/rsrc/base/@cache&quot; folder and place it into the mod folder of the game as usual. In case of &quot;conversion_tools/extra_mount.txt&quot; usage each entry from extra mount will have its own converted folder entry inside &quot;conversion_tools/rsrc&quot; So to pack a mod you will have to take the result from each respective converted folder and put it together in the same ZIP file (e.g. extra mount entry "my_mod" will have conversion result in "conversion_tools/rsrc/my_mod/@cache").<blockquote>NOTE: {{Note|Usage of &quot;conversion_tools/extra_mount.txt&quot; file with specified additional sibling folder paths of &quot;base&quot; folder paths in each line of the file may also be used. This will cause conversion tools to mount all of the paths the same as &quot;conversion_tools/base&quot; folder. With extra mounted directories conversion tools will convert all resources from &quot;base&quot; and all additional paths!}}</blockquote>#: After completed conversion all the content in &quot;conversion_tools/rsrc&quot; folder can be ZIP-ed and placed into the mod folder of the game as usual.#: <blockquote>NOTE: {{Note|If something goes wrong during the conversion, you can find additional information in the conversion tools log file (&quot;bin/win_x86/mass_convert.log&quot;).}}</blockquote>

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