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Tutorials/Advanced/Extended Shadows

2,058 bytes added, 12 February
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=== Locators ===
The origin locator (shadow_x_ori, shd_x_ori1, shd_x_ori2, etc) defines the upper boundary, center, direction, and direction orientation of the shadow volume. This locator should generally always be oriented so that it points down (i.e. rotated so that the locator '''+y''' points in global '''-Z''')and rotated so that its '''+z''' points in global '''-Y'''. The corner locator (shadow_x_crn, shd_x_crn1, shd_x_crn2, etc) defines the width, length, and lower boundary of the shadow volume.
=== ''Fakeshadow'' Surface ===
Typically, the same texture will be used for both the extended shadow and the UI shadow model of a truck or trailer. In this case, the extended shadow locators must be placed in reference to the UI shadow model so that the texture will project onto the shadow volume the same way it's mapped to the UI shadow.
#Place the origin locator (shadow_x_ori) using {{Key_press|Shift|A}} so that is it sits in the bounding box center of your UI shadow model when viewed from above. Its position in Z is the top of the shadow volume/the highest point that would be darkened by the extended shadow.<br />[[File:Ext_shadow_3.jpg|center]]#Rotate the origin locator to the standard orientation: {{Key_press|R}}, {{Key_press|X}}, -90; {{Key_press|R}}, {{Key_press|Z}}, 180. Its orientation in the Transform panel should look like this:<br />[[File:Ext_shadow_3b.jpg|center]]#Place the corner locator (shadow_x_crn) at the front left (+Y, -X) extreme of your UI shadow model when viewed from above. Usually, it is placed it below ground level so that the shadow doesn't disappear awkwardly when you go the player goes over a dip. A reasonable value is around -65cm. (If it is very low, the shadow volume will extend below bridges, etc)<br />[[File:Ext_shadow_4.jpg|center]]
=== Making the ''Fakeshadow'' Surface ===
Select the extended shadow origin locator (shadow_x_ori or shd_x_ori) and snap the 3D cursor to it ({{Key_press| Shift|S}} &rarr; ''Cursor to Selected''). Add a plane to the scene ({{Key_press|Shift|A}} &rarr; Mesh &rarr; Plane). This plane will become your fakeshadow surface!
<!-- Image showing freshly-inserted plane at origin locator with 3D cursor visible -->
Enable snapping ({{Key_press|Shift|Tab}}), select vertex mode, and use the ''Closest'' target mode. Make sure the corner locator (shadow_x_crn or shd_x_crn) is visible.
<!-- Small image showing snapping settings -->
Select the plane you created, enter Edit mode, and select all. Scale the plane in ''X'' and then in ''Y'', snapping to the corner locator each time. Flip the normals of the plane so that they face down, using {{Key_press|Ctrl|F}} &rarr; Flip Normals.
<!-- Image showing scaled, flipped plane -->
Assign your fakeshadow surface an SCS Material using the ''fakeshadow'' effect. [ Parent] the plane to your vehicle's SCS root locator.
<!-- Image showing fakeshadow material on fakeshadow surface -->
At this point, your vehicle has a functional fakeshadow surface! However, it may not fit very well yet. The surface can be subdivided and manipulated as needed. Be careful to ensure that the outside edges still cover the entire shadow volume.
{{Tip|The [ Loop Cut] tool is useful for quickly subdividing the fakeshadow surface.}}
<!-- Quick GIF or video showing fakeshadow surface being subdivided and manipulated into final form. -->
=== Creating the Shadow Texture ===

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