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Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory data

206 bytes added, 23:23, 1 May 2022
The '''accessory_data''' unit class is the superclass for all ''accessory_*_data'' classes and defines basic UI attributes and compatibility/interactions between accessories. It is generally not used ''directly'' because it doesn't affect the vehicle visually or physically. Instead, more specialized [[#Subclasses|subclasses]] have been derived from it to define specific accessory types. Basically, think of '''accessory_data''' as a template from which all ''accessory_*_data'' classes have been derived.
== Attributes ==
|Full name of the accessory for UI display.
|Condensed name of the accessory for UI display in contexts with limited space or where full names are otherwise ill-suited.
|Path relative to <code>/material/ui/accessory/</code> to the icon for the accessory, omitting the file extension. For example, <code>icon: "truck_name/fancy_doodad"</code> would point to <code>/material/ui/accessory/truck_name/fancy_doodad.mat</code>.
|The minimum level the player must achieve before the accessory becomes available in the store.
|It defines icon and tooltip shown on accessory. Available values are <code>factory</code>, <code>aftermarket</code>, <code>licensed</code> or <code>unknown</code>. ''Added in 1.44.''
|Each array member specifies a path to an accessory definition file which is applied to the vehicle, overriding other accessories of the same type if one already exists on the vehicle. This eliminates the need for suitable_for/defaults relationships in most cases (e.g. engine badges and sounds). ''(New Added in ETS 1.27/ATS 1.6).''