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Sounds - The truck cabin

Another group of truck sounds are sounds tied to the truck cabin.


Sound of the horn. It has to be 3D event. The event should be routed to the "truck_effects" audio bus. The event must be looped. The 3D position of this sounds is (by default) the truck model origin.

Air Horn

Sound of the air horn. It has to be 3D event. The event should be routed to the "truck_effects" audio bus. The event must be looped. The 3D position of this sounds is (by default) 1m above the truck model origin.

Aero Noise

The noise of the air flowing around a cabin. It has to be 3D event. The event should be routed to the "truck_noise" audio bus. The event must be looped.

The following event parameters must exist:

  • aero_speed - the value is in the range <0 - 200> and represents the speed of the flowing air (in km/h)
  • aero_wnd - the value is in the range <0 - 2> and represents the state of the window:
    • 0 ... disabled effect
    • (0 - 1> ... indicator (state) of the window opening
    • 2 ... camera is outside the cabin

There are two instances of this event in the game. Each is located near the (left / right) window. Each of them parameters are independent.

Rain Noise

Sound effect of the raindrops to falling on the truck cabin. It has to be 3D event. The event should be routed to the "truck_noise" audio bus. The event must be looped.

The following event parameters must exist:

  • rain_int - the value is in the range <0 - 1> and represents the relative rain intensity

The 3D position of this sounds is (by default) located in the cabin.

Sound Configuration

The group of sounds configuration is stored in the "accessory_cabin_data" data.

There is no mandatory events but there is no default events either. Only the defined sounds will be played. There is array "sounds" which contents specification for the events:

  • horn
  • air_horn
  • aero_noise
  • rain_noise


There are configuration files for chassis for the "Peterbilt 579" inside folder "/def/vehicle/truck/peterbilt.579/cabin".

Each accessory include @include "sound.sui" file which contents indirect definition of the events:

	sounds[]: "horn|/sound/truck/horn/horn_01.soundref"
	sounds[]: "air_horn|/sound/truck/air_horn/air_horn_04.soundref"
	sounds[]: "aero_noise|/sound/truck/default/noise_aero.soundref"
	sounds[]: "rain_noise|/sound/truck/default/noise_rain.soundref"

Sound Position

The sound positions could be modified by the .soundref file. (see Sound reference file)