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Documentation/Engine/Mod manager

32 bytes added, 17:46, 24 November 2017
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Name of file inside the root of the mod package directory which contains the description text. Description file has to be simple text file with .txt extension saved in UTF-8 encoding. Content of the description file is shown in mod details window and should include information about usage of your mod, additional credits of included mods etc. For possible text formatting see section [[#Description_of_your_mod|Description of your mod]]
You {{Tip|Since ETS 2 1.23 you can also specify localized description files for more check : [[#Localized_description|Localized description]].}}
<li>Type: array of strings</li>
From '''ETS2 1.26''' and '''ATS 1.5''' you will be are able to specify list of the DLCs which your mod requires to be installed in manifest file. This feature will block activation of the mod in mod manager when user has one of the required DLCs missing. To specify dependencies you need to edit your mod manifest.sii file and add the following:<pre>dlc_dependencies[]: "package_name"</pre>Where package_name is name of the DLC package - you can find package names in game directory for example if your mod requires DLC Scandinavia - package archive is called dlc_north.scs, the package name is the archive name without extension so in this case it will be dlc_north.
=Description of your mod=
Description text length is not limited. Moreover there is also additional ability to colorize your mod description with BBCode color tags.
List of available color tags:
'''For example:'''
For example: <pre>[red]Hello [green]Wor[orange]ld</pre>
Will result in: <strong><span style="color: #FF2626;">Hello</span> <span style="color: #75FF00;">Wor</span><span style="color: #FFAE00;">ld</span></strong>