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Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.26

362 bytes added, 14:58, 8 November 2016
no edit summary
== Climate Profile ==
Unit '''"climate_profile"''' underwent some changes. Simple latitude setting was updated to fully defined projection system. There is new attribute '''"map_projection"''' (default value '''"mercator"'''), where we can eventually define different projections than basicthe projection between map and globe coordinates.
Attributes '''"latitude_a"''' and '''"latitude_b"''' have been removed. Instead changed to '''"map_origin"''' and '''"map_factor"''' have been added. They are not mere float values but vectors of two float values of globe coordinates (float2latitude, longitude pair). Basic functionality is similar as with old to previous latitude attributesbut uses longitude in addition as it is needed for some projections: [latitude,longitude] = projection( map_origin + map_factor * [map_z,map_x])
In addition attributes '''"standard_paralel_1"''' and '''"standard_paralel_2"''' has been added for '''"lambert_conic"''' projection currently used ATS for new in re-scaled USA map. All in degrees. Note, if you want use old maps use mercator projection longitude is not taken into consideration at all so you can use any value (with preferably non-zero factor).
== Truck Data ==
=== Interior Data ===
Unit '''"accessory_interior_data"''' has new animations - '''"general_air_press_anim"''' and '''"trailer_air_press_anim"''' both with their respective '''"_min "''' and '''"_max "''' values. They are additional air pressure gauges currently used in ATS truck Peterbilt 389.
Unit '''"accessory_interior_data"''' has new attribute '''"air_brake_safeguard"''' (default false or 0). It makes parking brake knob pneumatic (like in US trucks) and it will be physically kicked out on low air. So driver must push it again to drive (this is instead of electronic switch used in EU trucks).

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