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Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory addon tank data

827 bytes removed, 09:21, 19 November 2021
!Default Value
|Path to the model descriptor (.pmd) for the model to be displayed in the exterior view (if applicable).
|Path to the model descriptor (.pmd) for the model to be displayed in the exterior view for left-hand drive vehicles (if applicable). If unset, defaults to '''exterior_model'''.
|Path to the model descriptor (.pmd) for the model to be displayed in the interior view (if applicable).
|Path to the model descriptor (.pmd) for the model to be displayed in the interior view for left-hand drive vehicles (if applicable). If unset, defaults to '''interior_model'''.
|Path to the collision descriptor (.pmc) for the accessory (if applicable).
|Name of the look to be used on all descriptors of this accessory.
{{Note|All models for an accessory must have the same set of looks.}}
|Name of the variant to be used on all descriptors of this accessory.
{{Note|All models for an accessory must have the same set of variants.}}
|Fuel tank size in liters. Overrides [[Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory_chassis_data|chassis]] info about fuel tank size, if positive.
|AdBlue/DEF tank size in liters. Overrides [[Documentation/Engine/Units/accessory_chassis_data|chassis]] info about adblue tank size, if positive.
{{Note|This accessory type is expected at most once on any given truck. While it is technically possible to have more than one tank type accessory (eg under different locator/accessory type name) only the first found is used for value override. Multiple occurence has undefined behavior. }}