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Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.36

126 bytes added, 19:38, 23 April 2020
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As written [[Games/ETS2/Modding guides/1.35#Mover.2Fwalker_unification_and_improvement|here]], walker item support will be removed soon.
There is a new command line parameter which enables the automatic conversion of walker items to mover items using existing mover models:
* Create a text file with conversion rules
* each line is a rule in format (source_walker_prefix), (target_mover_model) [, 'non' - if specified 'prefer non movable anim' flag is used]
* Run the editor with '''-conversion_walker_path (conversion_file)]''', where '''conversion_file''' is a ufs path to a file containing conversion rules
* Save the map
Example * Create a text file with conversion rules** each line is a rule in format (source_walker_prefix),(target_mover_model)[,non - if specified 'prefer non movable anim' flag is used] e.g. <code>angry_man,m_angry01</code> or <code>foto,foto_man_01,non</code>* Run the editor with '''-conversion_walker_path (conversion_file)]''', where '''conversion_file''' is a ufs path to a file containing conversion rules* Save the map Using these example files you can convert our walkers into movers: [[File:Walker|thumb]]
= Changes & New Features =
Proper usage for variants of texture background for AI vehicles is now per '''license_plate_type''' in '''traffic_vehicle''' class as was text of the plate. If no type is defined the game tries to guess from vehicle '''speed_class''' (like car, truck or bus). All other vehicle classes has to be defined explicitly or they get some default (either car or first defined license plate type).
Due to interaction with player-owned or player-controlled vehicles (apportioned trucks and trailer in US) such textures should still be named "truck_front", "truck_rear" or "trailer" respectively (like they were before). Failing to use these names in license plate definitions will end with improper license plate backgrounds for player vehicles.
== Vehicles data ==